German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) has linked a ‘ Yes ‘ to the EU States to the UK applied for Brexit-shift to the end of June, with a previous consent of the British Parliament to the exit agreement with the EU. “This desire, we can correspond in principle, if we are going to get next week, a vote in favour of the withdrawal of documents from the British Parliament,” said Merkel on Thursday in a government statement in the Bundestag.

“On a short extension, you can talk, then, certainly positive,” said Merkel with a view to the in the afternoon, the beginning of the end of the Meeting of EU heads of state and government in Brussels. If there is, however, no positive vote of the British Parliament, will, it may need to come to a further EU-top meeting.

“So we are working towards an orderly exit, so we are also preparing ourselves to the fact that there may be a unregulated outlet,” said the Chancellor. She pointed out that for this case, arrangements of Germany and the other EU States that had been hit – both as regards the maintenance of the traffic as well as the right about of Erasmus students, or living in Germany British. Nevertheless, “we will not commit ourselves until the last hour to ensure that these emergency measures”, stressed Merkel.

Merkel looks border regulations as the Central Problem

As a key issue for an Agreement Merkel called once again, the question of the border arrangements between the United Kingdom of Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. She stood behind the between the EU and the UK negotiated the document from Strasbourg that contains in this question to make any additional representations to the United Kingdom. The British EU-exit under the current legal situation on the 29. March effective. For a shift, such as the British Prime Minister, Theresa May has requested, would the consent of all other EU States is necessary.

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the British opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn in the case of the European Union for its alternative Brexit-advertised Immediately before the EU-summit Plan. After serious discussions with British MPs of all parties, he think it is possible to agree before the European elections, with the EU a Deal on closer economic relations, said Corbyn on Thursday before talks with European politicians. “It is time that members work together and find a consensus that goes through Parliament.”

leader of the opposition Corbyn refer for alternative Plan

The UK government with the EU-negotiated Deal had been rejected in error, and twice by the Parliament. “He should be presented a third Time”, called Corbyn. But insists the EU on the ratification of the Brexit Treaty, which regulates in detail the issues of separation. The Labour party, the contract package refuses mainly because she holds a political statement applied to future relationships for not being tight enough.

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Timothy Garton Ash

Corbyn wanted to meet in Brussels under EU chief negotiator, Michel Barnier, and the Secretary-General of the EU Commission, Martin Selmayr,. He planned also in talks with some of the 27 EU heads of state and government, to advise on a Thursday afternoon about a possible extension of the Brexit period. (AFP, dpa)