the ROME – The Council for the regulation of the Senate has voted unanimously on the determined attitude of the 30 days within which the Council of the immunity must be expressed on the case Gregoretti. So it is confirmed that there will not be a postponement of the vote on the authorization to proceed in respect of Matteo Salvini. However, the 30 days would expire today. Now the clash between the majority and the opposition is on the count. From M5S-Pd, Mixed, and autonomy, it is emphasized that in each case the dead-line expire today and not Monday.

But there is a hypothesis that takes the body to slide, however, the vote after the elections in Emilia Romagna: the majority could refrain in the commission doing to win the “no” to the process and overturn the verdict in the classroom after the regional, “If Monday, as it seems, because the numbers we have in favor, Pd, Renzi, and 5 Stars will decide who should be prosecuted, I will go to that court, head on, sure of representing the majority of the Italian people”. The said League leader Matteo Salvini, speaking of the vote on the authorisation to proceed for the case Gregoretti, live on Telelombardia.

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