our special envoy on the island Within
” The demonstration is made that we are facing a State LREM “. Arrival on the island of Sein in the Finistère, this Wednesday, to commemorate the 80 years of the call of general de Gaulle, Marine Le Pen has seen his trip ruined by militants of the island as the coast of brittany. Mobilizations that have forced the member of parliament for Pas-de-Calais to review its original program, by making a tribute, in confidence on Wednesday in the late afternoon, rather than a more formal this June 18 under the monument to the dead. “Breton hard head, I said I’ll go, I’m gone “, claimed Marine Le Pen on Wednesday night. This has not prevented it to denounce, during a press conference at Audierne, a town where the landing stage for the island of Sein, the “responsibility” of the militias, left-wing “antifa”,” like that, more political, representatives of the State on the spot.
read also : Appeal of June 18 : Marine Le Pen arrives by surprise on the island of Sein, hooted by the inhabitants
While a thirty activists haranguaient “The Pen, facho, the people will have your hide” under the windows of the hotel, on Wednesday evening, that point press improvised, the member of parliament has focused his wrath against this ” minority of the extreme left that rotted all of the social movements […] They have spoiled the claims of the yellow vests they have hidden the big demonstrations of the workers of the 1st may, or caregivers. “But it is against what she described as a” wait and see the state apparatus as the member is the most verve. “Is that the State still has the authority ? Is it that he intends to use his prerogatives to protect our political rights guaranteed by the Constitution ? ” is it mine to question, directly putting in issue the corps préfectoral.
” see also – On the eve of the 80 years of the appeal of 18 June, Marine Le Pen defends his visit on the island Within