“I will ask my family, colleagues, the Parliament as an institution and the Norwegian people for an excuse,” said Mazyar Keshvari last fall.

Nothing less. But so also had the Frp politician much to apologise for.

last fall revealed namely Aftenposten how Keshvari wrote fictitious expense reports to Parliament for several thousand dollars. In just a few years had Keshvari delivered undocumented disbursements for 290.000,-. Vouchers for trips he never went on.

The policy is very general and tillitsbasert. Keshvari exploited holes such arrangements create in the system, and taken the big money out of them.

today is the , however, not about the bedragerisiktede Keshvari. After disclosures from NRK, it is his partikollega Helge André Njåstad who find themselves in the spotlight. Also his reiseregningsvirksomhet seems shady.

The last few years have Njåstad a number of times combined stay on fjonge hotels with short jobbmøter. With him on the trip he has had with the family. Even though he is not billed the Parliament for the cost of their holiday, has the people’s money paid for his.

In your easter was for example, Njåstad in Geilo with his parents, son and then-boyfriend. In the same period provide Njåstad to have had a meeting with the companies Tippetue Architects and Brokerages, to talk about the Plan – and building act. The meeting takes place in the in the lobby of the great hotel Dr. Holms.

Later in the afternoon meetings Njåstad, his family and representatives of the companies each other to a pleasant time in an apartment in Geilo. The couple Filled Unravels and Yngve Fløisand, as were the two representatives Njåstad conduct the meet with, know Njåstad private.

Njåstad bill to the Parliament 5733 money for the trip and stay in Geilo.

For all I know , it was very important that the couple and Njåstad met each other to talk about the Plan – and building act at the time. Skiing-location of Geilo, in a great hotel, in the week of easter.

Although it may not be is a breach of the regulations, is it still all a bit too convenient. It also makes reiseregningene Frp-politician wrote for a stay at a spa hotel one hour’s drive away from his apartment.

not talking about a Bergen trip with his son, added to the veteranbåtfestivalen Fjordsteam. Njåstad provided participation there as a justification for utleggets-the claim he sent to the Parliament. The fact that he was not invited or had some role at the conference, he says nothing about. For trip and stay at a newly refurbished hotel, he receives 2666 money refunded from the Parliament.

There are several differences on Keshvaris laborious efforts to falsify expense reports, and the Helge André Njåstad has done. In contrast to its bedragerisiktede partikollega went at least Njåstad on trips he wrote outlays for.

It does, however, look out that he has broken the Parliamentary rules, even though he probably has operated in a gray area of what is legal.

Njåstads reiseregningsvirksomhet stinks, but it is first and foremost the rules we should fix the gaze towards the future. As director Per Hanstad in Revisorforeningen says to NRK today:

the Policy “is too general. The way I understand it is the subjective assessments each representative makes, which determines whether journeys are within or outside. So it goes not an to have it. There is no other I am familiar with that has it on the way.”

It is possible Hanstad has the right of it. At the same time, it is terribly sad about not even elected representatives can operate with a tillitsbasert system for how they are managing the people’s money.

If not, we should be able to rely on them in the management of the community’s money on travel, how will we be able to do it otherwise?

Fortunately, there are few that break the rules. Hopefully the abuse, whether it is confidence or gaps in the regulatory framework, turned hard down upon by their own parties. To warning to others, and to sacrifice and improvement for the trust they have break down.