the Video begins with a man in the age of 75 talk plenty about the military dictatorship that killed, tortured and sent tens of thousands on the run between 1964 and 1985. The man says that the military regime saved the Brazil away communism and criticises the strikes of the 1960s which demanded land reform, education reform and universal suffrage. The video was published on the 55 anniversary of the military coup of 31 march and pays tribute to the catholic church which stood on the military side. It begins in black and white and ends in color with that national anthem sounds against a waving brazilian flag. A voice that represents the armed forces finish the message with the words: ”the Military is seeking neither applause or accolades. The military executed his task”.

Read more: Video tribute to the military coup spread by Bolsonaro

that such a video is being marketed through presidentkansliets press office shows how far högernationalismen gone in Brazil. Before the anniversary of the coup tried to a judge prohibit Bolsonaro to pay homage to the dictatorship. The judge said that it is forbidden in a democracy to pay tribute to a government that closed the congress, deprived the citizens of their political rights, tortured, killed and persecuted dissenters and censored the media. But the only ruling was that Bolsonaro changed a word in his agenda – rather than to ”celebrate” the dictatorship used the word ”remember” dictatorship.

” No civilized country celebrates the anniversary of a coup d’état, writes Mauricio Santoro, one of Brazil’s foremost political scientists.

His comment has so far gillats of over 15,000 people.

the video is aimed at the younger generation that was born after the dictatorship. The voice calls on those who hesitate in the writing of history to consult newspapers and magazines from diktaturåren and read about how it was. It feels like yet another April fool’s joke. All media was censored during the 21 years that the generals ruled. It is not possible to find any newspaper that dared to criticize the dictatorship. Instead, there is shelf space of literature and doctoral theses at the universities that the young generation should be asked to consult.

Jair Bolsonaros son, congressman Edurado Bolsonaro, has retweetat the video and added the text: ”A day like this was Brazil freed. Thank you military from 1964! Are you hesitating? Ask your parents or grandparents who experienced how it was.”

and his son decide to so, open shelf dictatorship is an all-time low in modern brazilian history. The only gratifying for democracy is Jair Bolsonaro, plummeting in the polls. When he was sworn in on 1 January this year, he had the support of 65 percent of the population. The latest survey shows that now he only has the support of 34 per cent. It makes Jair Bolsonaro hit yet another record. No other brazilian president during the past 25 years, lost its support so quickly. The honeymoon is over and not even a distasteful video can bring it to life.