It was known that Jan björklund’s successor would be chosen on an extra landsmöte at the end of June but now the date is apparent, according to a press release from the Liberals. The site is however not set in stone.

Right now, there is a sonderingsfas where both the individual members of the party who kommunföreningar and länsförbund may suggest names to the nominating committee.

” We have stretched out this in the time leading up to holy week. Then we put the lid on, ” says the committee’s chairman, Mr Schmidt.

the party instead to focus on the EUROPEAN elections, held on 26 may. Then, it is hoped that the committee, on the basis of the proposals received and soundings in the party, can propose two or three names. These candidates will be sent on a tour to introduce himself to the party members. It is supposed to be hearings in Stockholm, Gothenburg, Malmö and Sundsvall during the period 31 to June 10.

Then länsförbunden by 18 June to submit their final nominations to the leadership. The nomination committee then presents the proposal that congress may consider.

the Schedule means that the new L-leader can appear as a speaker in Almedalen next week.

that he will not stand for re-election has, in particular, two names emerged as hot. Ms Nyamko Sabuni, former minister for integration, now hållbarhetsdirektör on joined forces with technical consultants ÅF, is one. The other is Erik Ullenhag, including former party secretary and economic-political spokesperson but today the ambassador of Jordan. None of the two have not yet announced if they set up.

the Split of liberals disagree on the important route choice

Even a heavy L-politicians want to see Sabuni as a leader

L-candidates shall be sent out at the valturné