According to Svend Dahl have it for a long time been a desire within the Liberals that someone will come forward and stand for election to the leadership.

– It puts the pressure on Erik Ullenhag to at all say whether he would run or not. At the moment there is no one who know if he like it or not, ” says Dahl.

in a press release in the own partitidningen Now. She is clear that Januariavtalet remains even if L would change the party leader.

”I think the Liberals should pursue Januariavtalet and participate in the work to implement the agreements that are included. You should be able to rely on the Liberals.”, write partiledarkandidaten.

In the autumn form a government, the Liberals very divided over regeringsfrågan. A significant part of the party’s members want to L to accept Ulf Kristerssons 1-2-3 solution.

now, the positive to the to see I. on the leadership.

“But it will not affect the januariavtalet in the short term,” says Svend Dahl and says that it has not been clear was I. standing in the matter.

Dahl also believe that ms Nyamko Sabuni has strong support in the weak L-districts around the country.

– Many people points out that I. would give a clearer voice to the Liberals. She would be able to give the party a little star-power, as Ebba Busch Thor gives the Christian democrats, says Dahl.

In the strong L-districts in Stockholm and Uppsala, sweden, Erik Ullenhag a lot of support, ” says Dahl.

the Text is updated.