in the care sector women’s wages pit overgrown in ten years, the annual salary increases. This sums up with the Social and health sector trade union tehy president of milla riikka Rytkösen message today on Yle in an interview.

the Message get careful understanding of the other trade union leaders.

Tehy hear the central organisation of JURISTS:the hon. President of Antti Palola does not want to take directly to the position Tehy objective, but it is his opinion, the unions in the negotiations to resolve the issue.

Palola, however, thinks that the same level of educated women and men in the profession in the valuation difference reflected in wages. JURISTS have calculated that if you compare women and men’s average salaries, women’s salaries are 83.4 percent of men’s average wage. It means that, in theory, women’s wages in payment ended of November 3. day.

it’s Not my opinion, not correct. Wage comparisons is always difficult, but the starting point should in my opinion be that a similar training by persons who work in different sectors, would receive roughly the same salary, Palola said.

Services and care is not valued enough and not about to be willing to pay

Annika Rönni-Sällinen

Also the president of Sture Fjäder higher education graduates of the central organization of Akavasta assess the targets only at a general level.

–Equality is more than important. Good that it is talked about. Akava has its own approved and work equality policies.

the future rounds of negotiations he does not evaluate.

Now is the league round and enter the labor peace agreement parties in their important work, Fjäder reply to the text message to.

Finnish electrical workers ‘ union is also dominated by women. It represents, for example, trade and food of workers. President of Annika Rönni-Sällinen said he appreciated the nurses ‘ work. But in other sectors working conditions is developed. In his opinion, should look at the whole wider.

We should discuss, what kind of work we are willing to pay and what we as a society value. Currently, perhaps the services and care are not sufficiently valued nor be willing to pay, Annika Rönni-Sällinen said.

JHL: in the care sector, low wages endanger the treatment chain

So in the public sector than the private side of the feminised sectors of the target pay out of the pit to rise has long been the same.

the Sak:types of Public and welfare sectors federation of JHL’s president Päivi Niemi-Laine point out that it’s not just nurses or middle managers position, but in the care sector the wage level is generally low.

This part of the hospital not to get Niemi-Laine sufficient facilities and equipment manager. Department custodian include cleaning operating rooms between haircuts.

I See this entire patient safety chain point of view. University hospitals I’ve been to, not to get the plant guardians. Did you find this crowd, it’s a salary issue from our point of view.

Finland “kvasijulkinen” export industry?

the Public sector workers – for example, more than 400 thousand employee – salary bumps is justified by the fact that the public side of the employer ability to pay depends on tax revenue, and could therefore raise the. Export sector to pay back pointedly on the basis of how much money comes in.

made by milla riikka Rytkönen questioning this logic. He refers to the companies of the four billion annual aid to be paid also the tax money.

Parallel thinking JHL:n Niemi-Laine. He describes the Finnish export sector only semi-private, “kvasijulkiseksi”, because it works as part of a public service financing the society, and get tax money from support.

I have to be honest: we have kvasijulkinen export industry, it is quite clear. It means, in practice, that public money, for no one can wash their hands, Niemi-Laine estimates.

Society has agreed through political agreements, i.e. laws, who does what, and at the same time that funding. We’re all in Finland, as a nation married with each other and are supported by public money, that private successful and the public is successful, Niemi-Laine says.

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