And when I mean , Norwegian culture, I speak not about the “quick lunch, and brown cheese. Marit Bjørgen and Ole Einar Bjørndalen. Effort and porridge”, as our former culture Linda Hofstad Helleland as limiting ordla.


I’m talking about Norwegian cultural life. This strange, breathable, quivering organism that produces the to and of and to impose themselves on the Norwegian people. I’m talking about the music we hear on the radio, the shows we see on tv, the books we read in the couch, the movies we see at the cinema, the pieces we see at the theatre, the games we play on the Nintendo, the art we encounter on the galleries, on the streets, on Instagram. I’m talking about newspapers, pamphlets, posters, notes.

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I’m talking about what for many is an extremely important part of everyday life.

that, so TV Norway so nicely expresses it, “you talk about in the morning.” But now the call is in danger.

Last week specific Today’s Business to lay down kulturkritikken. In itself, terribly sad. The DNs kritikerkorps was a highly competent, spissformulert and knowledgeable bunch, as well as always, contributed with unique and interesting perspectives on literature, film and music.

I don’t know anything about the background of the cuts, but I know that it is not only a symptom of a larger tendency, it is very ytterpunktet.

We are in the middle of a mediekrise.

It has consequences.

With the DNs kritikerkorps disappears a distinctive voice in the conversation about the Norwegian culture. “Criticism should be a choir, a free and lively exchange between people from different standpoints and media with different traditions”, wrote Dagbladet Inger Merete Hobbelstad yesterday.

Now is the bass gone.

Anklag me to write in klisjéer, but the culture, and thus also kulturjournalistikken, are basic ingredients in the structure that keeps society together. Art and culture provides a common point of departure, shared references, shared memories. A good critique takes the art and puts it in a larger context. It can act as a counterweight to the commercial forces, perhaps it even manages to say something about the society we live in. Anyway, it is a oppspark to the debate.

But now there is one less to argue with.

A less to disagree with.

A less to baksnakke on the bar.

It makes me worry.

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For the DN is not the only voice that the coughing, hawking and spitting blood. It is beinharde circumstances for kulturjournalistikken. The media houses is the press. It is not new. When the class war took an inventory a year ago, they came to that number of reviews in the Norwegian newspapers are more than halved in ten years. Especially VG has cut hard in criticism. The important Kulturnytt is scaled down from to be a separate application to be a a programme item in morgensendingen. Some local newspapers have cut out kulturstoffet total. If you search up the word “first-rate cultural journalism” on medieovervåkningssiden Retriever, you will find so to say the only cases that cite kulturjournalistikkens crisis.

That in itself is the whole crisis.

When I started in the Newspaper in 2002 there were so many journalists on the morgenmøtet in kulturavdelingen that we had to split it in two. The situation is mildly said a different today. Therefore, it is important to prioritize. Our goal is not to be a lanseringskanal for the arts, a mikrofonstativ for promoavdelingene. Our goal is to grow out the tabloid, be a platform for debate, discussion, strong opinions, strong pens, strong analysis, and not least strong emotions.

Then we can get well over 100 000 readers to click on a book review about Olaf the holy.

innovation is vital.

But listen, it is is this that makes me so worry that I get the urge to lie down in the foetal position: the Sum of all the cuts in all the editors together. The demise of a broad public discussion about what happens in the Norwegian cultural life. Norwegian newspaper editors accused ever to run in a pack. This is not the case in kulturredaksjonene. It is more as if they live on their own planet.

occasionally, when I’m going to write my weekly kulturkommentar on Saturdays, struggling I with to find the theme. Not only because kulturjournalistikken that is left after the cuts is not contentious enough. But also because the arts community is struggling to create commotion and engagement around the own production. In a public that is constantly accused of being polarized, there are too few actors in the Norwegian cultural life that stands on each side of the trenches and shoot arrows at each other. That manages to convey the tumultuous, enthusiastic. That shows how much is at stake.

Then it is easy to argue that culture is only for the especially interested.

It is not true, and that’s what makes me so worry.

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