Last week was a part of the country’s newspapers are characterized by many newspaper article relating to a new research report “Immigration and social mobility” (Hoen, Markussen and Røed, ragnar frisch centre 2019). The report is commissioned by the ministry of labour and sosialminister Anniken Hauglie (H), and has the purpose to investigate about the historically high immigration to Norway weakened jobbmulighetene for Norwegian-born who grew up in poor families, compared with those who come from rich families.

Columnist Linn discussion herland Landro

Avdelingleder JOB X, the Antiracist Centre. She is also a campaigner and member of the board of Refugees Welcome Norway. She has a master’s degree in education, and is resident in Oslo, norway.

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Conclusion of the researchers is that in positions requiring low qualifications, have foreign workers come in, and Norwegian-born workers have been pushed out. Completely out of the workplace. The results of the survey is for as far as no surprise, when we through the EEA-agreement is obliged to allow this competition in the labour market.

the Purpose of the directive is to make it easier for EEA nationals and their family members to move across borders to be able to work and reside in other member states. The goal is that the EEA-citizens and family members their to be able to move freely and change jobs or place of residence in the same way as within their own homeland. It is, in other words, it is not so that these people do something wrong, they follow the rules of the game as Norway has been in 15 years.

So to forskningsjournalistikken and dissemination of the results: the Headlines in some newspapers was attention-getting, and the wording was consistently bombastic. It was on the border of aggressive towards immigrants as a group. Here are some examples:

Historically a large immigration pressures-born out of the labour market (Aftenposten).The new report states that immigrants are taking the jobs of australians (Online).Scientists have four clear answers about why immigration leads to division, winners and losers (Nettavisen)Immigrants take jobs from norwegians in the lower social strata (Tønsberg Blad).

the Headlines in itself gives an impression that all immigrant contributes negatively in the Norwegian labor market.

In addition, it appears that some of the newspapers believe that asylum seekers are behind the jobbstjelingen. Photos of syrian refugees on the way over rus-sia and the image from an asylum with the “masses” of men in identical overalls from Udi’s klespakke. It makes no sense to draw refugees into the calculation. It is a direct wrong and misleading, grabbed from the media when immigration in this regard is about migrant workers from Eastern Europe.

usually go r the social debate on the loose on the theme “immigrants don’t work enough”. Either take the jobs, or so, the problem is that they don’t work. In Norway, it is not the migrant workers who are the most central in the great debate about immigration, and thus it is possible that a part does not see the differences between the one form of immigration, and all the other when the terms in the headings are so general.

It is often difficult to know what is the problem when one moment gets to hear that the high levels of unemployment among immigrants is destructive of Norway, and one in the other currently being told that immigrants work for much, and simply taking the jobs of australians.

One of the researchers behind the survey, Simen Markussen, responded with its own article, with a picture of workers on a construction site and heading Innvandringens back. Evolution going the wrong way for those who are raised in the poorest homes – much because they are not in work. The explanation is mainly the immigration, initiates the he.

It is here I wonder if it can lead the debate would weigh if you don’t also point out on what makes the basis for both immigration from the EU countries and what forms the basis for other europeans than norwegians are more competitive in the Norwegian labour market. Is it better qualifications to find with them?

Far from it. But they accept to work for much lower wages than the norwegians. With other words, such surveys are very well suited to explore the social dumping. When will the politicians take this causal link?

the Results that ses in the new survey are also found in the earlier forskningsrapporten on the field “Innvandrersysselsetting and the consequences for Norwegian workers” (Centre for wage formation, 2016). In the survey study the researchers the industries that are the most central in this context: the Jobs that are exposed to competition from foreign labor.

There are businesses in the construction, facilities, cleanliness and service, as well as bemanningsbyråer that recruit to the/the same industries.

It has to be examined here, like the new report, if the increased employment among the migrant workers has replaced English labour. The report says concludes in the store and it’s all with that total picture, including overall statistics, indicates that the growth in the innvandrersysselsettingen has gone at the expense of the just-born.

But årsaksforklaringene that are highlighted in this report are different than in the new. The migrants, in itself, is not as the central problem, but on the other hand the system that leads to it: Exploitation is the key word.

the Scientists behind the the Center for lønnsdannelses report commenting that the development seems to happen despite the fact that official Norwegian policy has been to protect the Norwegian labour market against social dumping. Authorities have wanted to prevent the increased employment of the low qualified foreign labour, but did not succeed to a sufficient extent, then it is difficult to prevent negative outcomes in the labour market from the increased lavlønnskonkurransen.

Here, we can also read that, in particular, is lavlønte part of the private sector that the norwegians were replaced by migrant workers. On average, got the foreigners 15 per cent less paid. Market forces in the labour market is strong.

Who should take on the responsibility to do something with that already disadvantaged norwegians are falling out of the workforce due to the fact that certain industries give priority to hiring cheap labour?

If we continue to be a part of the EEA, which is obviously that we’re going to be in all the foreseeable future, Norway must find effective ways to prevent the negative consequences of arbeidsinnvandringen on a political level, without looking to blame the migrants themselves.

such A move is the new legislation that regulates the bemanningsbransjen. This is an important channel for recruitment for the migrant workers, and regulation can give the opportunity to get more permanent employment in the company, and may be able to influence the use of hired labor, including temporary labor from abroad.

Black labour and social dumping is a big problem in the whole of Europe. If you don’t have powerful political strategies that closely follows this, and prevents it quickly done, that he who is left standing as both the loser and the scapegoat is the common worker. Neither the employee who works black in Italy or France, or who work for dumped the salaries in Norway are responsible for that they got their jobs and what consequences it will have for the labour market and the national economy.

Høyrepopulisme is in growth. In Europe, the large, infected abscess that no one manages to have ice in the stomach when it comes to immigration. Europe has experienced a large lettering of the flyktningankomster.

An often forgotten begunnelse that economic migrants trying to reach Europe is that Europe has a large and tørstig black labour market. A part know that they can get an income to live off in Europe, unlike in their home country. But black’s work is as known very destructive for society.

Simplified representations breed the concerns of the part of the Norwegian population who already think immigration to the Uk is problematic. The problematic aspects of increased immigration due to the EEA agreements should be scrutinised, and Norwegian workers must be protected from losing their jobs.

But the workers no matter the country of origin should not be portrayed as the culprits.

the Problem is structural and political, and should be made soberly and with to focus on the real causes that lie behind.