Two days after Parliament adopted the immigration bill, our Odoxa-Backbone Consulting survey reveals that half of French people (50%) say they are “satisfied” with the law. Nearly a quarter of them (24%) say they are “dissatisfied”, while 26% say they are unaware of the main points of the text. On the other hand, 68% of those surveyed, who said they were aware of the bill, welcomed its content.

Unsurprisingly, among supporters, a clear left/right divide emerges. Thus, 49% of rebels, 43% of socialists and 44% of ecologists declare themselves dissatisfied with the law. On the contrary, the voters of Renaissance (80%), LR (81%) and RN (63%) who are satisfied with it.

In detail, seven of the eight main measures tested attract the support of an overwhelming majority of French people. More than eight out of ten are in favor of forfeiture of nationality for dual nationals who commit crimes against the police. 76% say they are in favor of reinstating the offense of illegal residence and 75% support the establishment of quotas for immigration.

Only one measure, however, is rejected by a narrow majority of French people (52%): “the ban on the confinement of minors in administrative detention centers (CRA)”.

Since the adoption of the bill, Marine Le Pen and her troops have claimed an “ideological victory”, while the head of state has declared “a defeat” for the RN. In fact, the majority of French people (55%) see Marine Le Pen as the big winner of this legislative sequence, far ahead of Gérald Darmanin (28%), Emmanuel Macron 25%) and Élisabeth Borne (23%). Éric Ciotti and his team also emerge strengthened from the sequence since 41% of respondents believe that it is a success for the LRs. Unsurprisingly, more than half of French people (58%) perceive a defeat for Jean-Luc Mélenchon and Nupes.