the Ministry of The Interior has announced this Monday the next transfer to prisons close to their homes four ETA prisoners and another of the GRAPO, as well as the granting of the regime of semi-liberty of another inmate of this last armed organization in what is the largest movement of prisoners terrorists from the Government of Pedro Sánchez announced the change in the penitentiary policy of dispersion. Until now the measure had been taken two at a time. Among the nigh is now the former leader of GRAPO Fernando Silva Sande, the author confessed to the kidnapping of Publius Cord and disengaged from their organization. Detained in the prison of Soto del Real (Madrid), will be transferred in upcoming dates at the Prison in Teixeiro (A Coruña) after the Board of Treatment proposed by their entry into a prison close to his “family links” to facilitate their reintegration.

MORE INFORMATION in Prison about two eta members who requested access permissions Inside about a prisoner of the ETA and gives the semi to a repentant

Inside, there is that, in addition to its disassociation with the GRAPO, Silva Sande “is paying the civil liability (which he has been sentenced in different sentences], and collaborates with the Forces and Bodies of Security in the elucidation of the criminal activity” of their former co-religionists, among them those who committed the kidnapping and subsequent death of a Cord, whose corpse has not yet been located. With a conviction effective of 30 years for murders, attacks, robberies, illegal detention and destruction, the terrorist repented will meet three-quarters of his sentence —that will open the door to apply for parole— in January of 2021.

The member of the GRAPO which has been granted the third degree of penitentiary or semi-liberty is Jesus Merino of the Old, until now confined in the prison of Aranjuez. In prison since June 2002, Merino meets a 25-year sentence for collaboration with armed gang, forgery of document, possession of weapons, robbery with violence and havoc. It will comply with the three-quarters of his sentence in April of 2012. Interior stresses that, in addition to have disengaged from the terrorist organization, the former grapo has apologized to the victims and has undertaken to pay the liability to which he was sentenced.

The four eta members who will be transferred are Mikel Orbegozo, Francisco Javier Chimeno, Igor Gonzalez Single and Jorge Fraile Iturralde. All of them are part of the group of 92 prisoners, eta has in the past ten months had taken steps to choose the approach to formally request that they pass the first grade prison —the most hard— to second-grade (in which you can apply for exit permits). Interior believes that this gesture is an explicit acceptance of the legality of prison, one of the requirements that appreciated in order to proceed to the transfers together to have fulfilled at least three-quarters of their sentences and who are not convicted for their involvement in the murders. Currently, 234 members of the armed band remain detained in prisons in spain, 48 more in France and one in Portugal. ETA announced its dissolution last month of may.

In the case of Orbegozo, currently in the prison of Badajoz, Interior recluirá in the Penitentiary Centre of Valladolid. Sentenced to more than 12 years in prison for belonging to a terrorist organization, illegal possession of weapons, Oslobet forgery, and resistance to authority, served three quarters of his sentence in September of 2015. In addition, he has expressly waived to use violence. For its part, Chimeno will be transferred from the prison of Alicante II to the of Burgos. In its history there are a number of offences of attempted murder and possession of explosives, which must comply to a penalty effective 30 years in prison. In his case, Prison values his acceptance of the legality of the request move on to second-degree prison, as have recognized the damage caused and the need to compensate the victims. He has also pledged not to return to violence.

the other two eta members affected by the decision of the Interior, Gonzalez, One will be transferred from the prison of Valdemoro (Madrid), Soria; and Friar Iturralde, of the from Badajoz to El Dueso (Cantabria). The first entered prison in march 2005 and is serving a 20-year sentence for collaborating with an armed group, the deposit of arms and forgery of documents. It will comply with the three-quarters of the conviction in march of 2020. In the case of Friar Iturralde, his imprisonment occurred in April 1998 and was sentenced to 25 years for collaborating with an armed group, possession of explosives, havoc and damage.

Of the ten prisoners of ETA who have been relocated or will be in the next few days, only one was classified in first grade. It was Kepa Arronategi, who was sentenced to 150 years in prison for various violations, among them the attempt in 1997 to attempt against the king Juan Carlos I at the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao. Interior decided to transfer from the prison of Almería to the of Zuera (Zaragoza) given his precarious state of health. The president Pedro Sanchez already announced in August that the health would be, next to the advanced age, one of the criteria that are primary for deciding which prisoners are drawn close.

The nine other eta members approached, including the four whose approach has been called on Monday, they had made, precisely, to be classified in the second degree after formally request in the prisons where they were held. In some cases, had shown his repentance in a generic way. In addition, Prisons have been granted to three other eta members to the third degree of penitentiary or regime of semi-liberty. The first were the couple formed by Olga Sanz Martín and Javier Moreno Ramajo, disconnected a long time ago the discipline of the terrorist organization and those Inside moved in August to the prison of Basauri, in the basque country. The latter was Aitor Bores, in October. Accepted in 2010 to the route Nanclares of rehabilitation, he was expelled then from the band. Bores already enjoyed furloughs.