Letters, several japanese pharmaceutical companies received contained a white powder which, after an initial investigation is suspected to be potassium cyanide, a substance that historically has been used in the giftmord. But even the japanese newspaper The Mainichi received a letter on Friday.

the Letter was received at the newspaper’s headquarters in Tokyo on Friday morning local time. The police are investigating now gifthotets connection with the letter sent to the pharmaceutical companies.

contained the letter a threat that the sender will start to sell and distribute pharmaceutical products that has been poisoned with potassium cyanide, if firms do not pay large sums of money in kryptovalutan bitcoin.

The japanese newspaper writes that the will to cooperate with the police in their investigation and that they have handed over the letter to the authorities.

the Threats are being investigated, according to the japanese newspaper, as a crime against the law of poison and dangerous substances but also as an attempt to blackmail.

according to The Mainichi identified himself as Shoko Asahara. A name that belonged to the leader of the infamous AUM Shinrikyo sect.

however, He may not have sent the letters because he was executed after having been sentenced guilty of having planned several serious crimes, including a gas attack against the Tokyo subway system in march 1995.

the Letter contains more links to the japanese sect, because a list of high-ranking sektmedlemmars, even those executed, shall be attached in addition to the white powder and utpressningskraven.