The Royal Navy of Morocco, was rescued on Saturday in waters near the northern city of Nador, a boat with 68 migrants sub-saharan clandestine. Among the 68 there were 15 dead bodies, according to informed military sources in a terse statement via the official agency MAP.

The responsible in Nador, of the National Association of Human Rights in Morocco (AMDH, by its acronym in French), Omar Raji, indicated to this newspaper that his figures, provided by the relatives of the survivors, did not coincide with those of the Royal Navy. “I had said that there was 39 people in the boat [while the official figures refer to 53 live and 15 dead]. On the number of dead I do not have data. What I do know is that there were two pregnant women. Most came from Guinea Conakri, Cameroon and the Ivory Coast,” said Raji.

The activist ensures that in what goes of year have died 115 immigrants in the waters of Nador. “Those are the bodies that have come into our morgue since January. We had never seen anything like this in Nador”. Raji said that his association had three days asking the Royal Navy that could rescue that vessel. “Finally, they have been able to do it”. In your page of Facebook, the entity has published a photo of the rescued who could barely stay on his feet. “The migration policies of european and moroccan kill. We do everything possible to denounce this passivity of the authorities in the rescue of human beings in distress,” he complained.

The AMDH is the humanitarian association of moroccan more combative. Frequently reports migrants disappeared in the İlbet waters of the Strait. The figures often provide the information agencies do not tend to be to the satisfaction of the Ministry of Interior moroccan, since the authorities only speak of the dead when there is no record of the death. That is, when they are corpses.

The 15 deaths of the boat that was drifting in Nador have not been the only that has claimed the Strait in the last few days. This Thursday, the lifeboat rescued the corpse of a pregnant woman who is joined to the disappearance of 13 other people. To the beach of the Palmar, in the municipality of cadiz, of Vejer of the border, came in last Monday a guinean 17-year-old was shaking from cold when it socorrieron several neighbors. He said the young man had departed from Morocco in a toy, a boat, an inflatable toy with only one oar in which he was riding nine people. The teenager told the rest of her travel companions died of hunger and thirst after seven days at sea.

The efforts made by the European Union, with Italy at the head, by closing the path of Libya, to the clandestine emigration has led to tens of thousands of migrants to choose, since their countries of origin, the coasts of Algeria and, above all, from Morocco. Until last November 14, they had reached Spain, by land and by sea, 55.949 immigrants, according to data from the Ministry of the Interior. More than 90% came from Morocco, which represents an increase of 142% compared to the same period of the previous year.

The migrants are mostly sub-saharan, but the collective moroccan is becoming more and more numerous. In particular, up until last October came 6.433 moroccan. Half of them were returned to Morocco, in function of the existing agreement between the two countries. However, several weeks ago Morocco reduced the number of returns per day, which have gone from 25 to 10, without any public explanation.

The president of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, visited the past week with the head of moroccan Government, Saadedín the Otmani, and the king Mohamed VI. Sanchez claimed The Otmani that for the next year is to reduce the number of arrivals of irregular immigrants to Spain, in order to send “a strong message to the mafias”. Both Governments agreed to strengthen the return policy, but without offering specific figures.