even businesses will get bonus is badly thought out. Instead, the premium to private individuals, so that more people in the group can afford a plug-in hybrid or electric car. Set more stringent requirements on when and under what conditions the premium is paid out.
Insert a skattespärr so that the car can be sold abroad during the first five years. It is certainly legally complicated, but something must be done about the greatly increased export of new or almost new klimatbonusbilar.
on the following recent figures from the authority of traffic analysis: in the Year 2017 disappeared 414 electric cars to the rest of the world. In the year to sek 1,308 cars – an increase of 216%! The export of plug-in hybrids rose by 90% to 3.684 cars. A number of car dealers and finance companies have earned many million on to drain the market of skattestödda laddbilar.
the worst of it was with the secure energy for cars. The whole 3.341 cars were exported. There were so many that it gave a net reduction of the rolling fleet.
secure energy for cars get 10,000 crowns in bonuses, but only those which in the manufacture is adapted for gas. Cars in Sweden are converted and recorded on the as secure energy for cars be denied the bonus.
say the tax that affects most cars, will be raised again at the end of the year if the government does not adjust for the new test cycle WLTP. The levels will be so high for a number of models that it only increases the överfinansieringen of the system and slows down the renewal of the car fleet.
After three years is reduced malus to the level prevailing before July 1, 2018, but only for petrol cars. Diesels may not have the full reduction. But it only applies to the miserly diesels. Thirsty diesels will reach a tipping point where they may l e a g r e malus than in the past. Clean bonus – for the worst emitters! How did you?