The presidential camp is once again shaken. After Alexis Kohler, Marlène Schiappa, Éric Dupond-Moretti or Agnès Pannier-Runacher, it is Marc Ferracci who is implicated. An investigation published Tuesday, July 11 by Blast accuses the deputy of the French from abroad of conflict of interest “worthy of the Kohler affair”.

The relative of Emmanuel Macron is singled out because of his participation as a shareholder of Icare France, directed by his father, Pierre Ferracci. According to Blast, this company would have become a subcontractor of Pôle emploi, whose reorganization in France Travail is currently examined in Parliament within the framework of the bill for full employment. A text that Marc Ferracci would have, still according to Blast, “piloted”.

An assertion that the person concerned evacuates with a setback in a press release published on his twitter account this Thursday, July 13: “Let’s skip the idea that I would have piloted as a parliamentarian, a reform prepared by the Government”, which according to him, “returns to completely ignoring the functioning of our institutions”. And to sum up: “These claims are simply false”.

On Wednesday July 12, the socialist deputies Arthur Delaporte and Boris Vallaud asked the president of the Social Affairs Committee to “immediately seize the ethics officer of the National Assembly”. And for good reason, the same morning – the day after the publication of the Blast article – Marc Ferracci was appointed co-rapporteur of the bill on the reform of Pôle-Emploi.

“In view of these revelations, it seems questionable that Marc Ferracci is co-rapporteur of this bill, because of the legal but also moral risk given his direct and indirect links with Pôle emploi and its subcontractors”, have argues the two elected.

For his part, the leader of the LR deputies in the National Assembly Olivier Marleix described as “an unacceptable mix of genres” the fact that a “35% shareholder of the parent company of the main subcontractor of Pôle emploi” can be “at the same time rapporteur for the law on the future of Pôle emploi”. More specifically, Arthur Delaporte criticizes his colleague for not having seized the ethics officer before his appointment.

But according to those around Marc Ferracci, the referral to the ethics officer can only be done after having been certain of being named. However, “he did not know that he was going to be appointed rapporteur by his peers”, assure his relatives who emphasize the responsiveness of Marc Ferracci. “He was appointed at the end of the morning and he seized the ethics officer at the end of the day”.

If in his press release, the deputy Renaissance says he is “particularly sensitive to the question of the conflict of interest”, his entourage recalls that “every time there has been a risk of potential conflict of interest, he is deported without any problem”. The deputy for French nationals living abroad has notably undertaken not to intervene on title 2 of the text, relating to France Travail.

Proof, according to Arthur Delaporte, of the existence of a conflict of interest. “The fact that he is moving away from part of the law is that he recognizes that there is a malaise”. The socialist also points to the fact that “when you are a rapporteur, you work on the whole text”. What denies the entourage of Marc Ferracci who assures that “he will withdraw on the perimeter defined by the ethics officer, which means that it can be only on certain subjects where there are risks of conflicts of interest”.