the leader of The PP, Paul is Married, has admitted this on Friday at a campaign event in Almería which, to him, the elections in andalusia are the first round of the general. “We played in Andalusia what might happen in Spain,” he said. If Susana Diaz wins, it will be “a balloon of oxygen for Pedro Sanchez is a year more in The Moncloa, but if there is a change, you will have two news,” he said. According to the own philosophy of the popular president, and given their involvement in the campaign andalusian – 45 acts in front of two Sanchez’s-, if the 2 December, the PP gets a few bad results, he will wear and not just their candidate to the Board, Juan Manuel Moreno.

In a campaign with higher in Almeria, Married, raised the elections in andalusia as a choice between two: “the communism of podemos and Susana Díaz or the PP, with whom he wants to support”. “Diaz is the same thing that Sanchez and hard that I was not able to defeat him internally is going to prevent Andalusia from the ravages of Sanchez. Hardly that I was looking forward to coming to Madrid you will be able to do something for Andalucía”, he added, referring to the primaries of the PSOE.

The PP leader insists on his strategy to campaign in Andalusia from the Congress of Deputies, denouncing the support of the independents in the motion of no confidence in Sanchez. Neyine “We are used to such disagreement agreed to in the PSOE, with [Javier] Lambán, [Emiliano Garcia] Page before [Joseph] Bonus… they Say that Andalusia is different, that of Despeñaperros to below are very patriotic, but their survival and salary depends on Bildu, we Can and CKD,” he said.

During his speech, the leader of the PP came to go directly to “the voters of the PSOE”. “We have a government unworthy of that depends on the independence. We spit them, because they are not reliable for them. I do censuro that spit [in allusion to the incident last Wednesday in the Congress] and I put myself at the side of [Josep] Borrell. We are open to the socialists embarrassed by this indignity. The voters of the PSOE do not have to have to watch the shows as of yesterday.” Casadao called “ragtag” Gabriel Ruffian and “unworthy” to Peter Sanchez for “allow spit to his minister. I would never have allowed something like that to a mate”.

Support the Government with Gibraltar

Married has been referred to in Almería to the Government’s intention to vote no to the agreement of the Brexit if this does not resolve the problem of Gibraltar. The leader of the PP, that he has not spoken with Pedro Sánchez in this issue, according to sources in the party, will support the president of the Executive in the veto to “any agreement that is dishonorable” for Spain in relation to Gibraltar.

has expressed in Almeria, where he has also taken the opportunity to criticize the management of the Government in this matter. “They’re late and wrong, doing the ridiculous”.” I will not be the european partner more sympathetic, we’re not to be sympathetic, but to serve to Spain”, he added.