Michael Cohen, a long time was Donald Trump’s lawyer and one of his most loyal defenders in the media, has been sentenced to three years in prison for having made illegal payments during the election campaign in 2016 and to have lied before the U.S. congress.

the Payments were in the final stages of the election campaign and went to the porrskådespelaren Stormy Daniels and Playboymodellen Karen McDougal, who was paid to keep quiet about the circumstances with Trump. Cohen also was sentenced to a fine of almost two million dollars for tax evasion. Cohen seemed to be surprised at the punishment. When the judgment was read out, joined Cohen in the eyes and seemed to shake his head to show his misstycke. According to legal experts, the judgment is relatively mild, then similar crimes usually result in a prison sentence of 4-6 years.

Michael Cohen and his lawyers have been very clear that the blame for these crimes directly on Donald Trump. “I take full responsibility for every action I recognised in me, including those that imply the president of the united states,” said Cohen.

“It was my blind loyalty to this man who led me down a dark path instead of light path. I felt it was my duty to cover up for his dirty acts,” said Cohen later.

The federal judge, William Pauley, who sentenced Cohen has also said that cohen’s illegal payments were made on the Trumps directive, as Trump has already implicitly been identified as medskyldig to serious crimes. If Trump would not be the president of the united states, he would likely already have been judged for this, but we are now legally unknown land, where no one knows what can happen. Trumps the future of the learn be decided of how far he himself, his partikollegor in congress and his collaborators in the judiciary can think of to go to protect him.

Photo: Mandel Ngan/AFP

“The subordinates who carry out crimes on the directives of their bosses tend to generally get a lower sentence than the heads. So if kampanjfinansbrott was the reason for cohen’s penalty can Trump get more than three years,” said Neal Katyal, a law professor with experience from the Supreme court, in a comment on Twitter shortly after the verdict on Wednesday.

Himself denied the Trump for a long time that he knew something about the illegal payments made during the election campaign. He admitted that he knew of them, but started this week arguing that there were private transactions, rather than payments, which related to his election campaign.

Overall, opinion is divided among legal experts about what this means for the Trump.

Susan Hennessy at the Brookings Institution said that it can be difficult to connect the Trump directly to the payments. Norm Eisen, also at Brookings, however, were convinced that the verdict “puts Trump in a hefty trouble.”

Much to suggest that the noose now pulled Trumps the very next circuit, but it is not at all certain that it affects Trump himself. The judgments against both Michael Cohen which Trumps the previous kampanjchef Paul Manafort concerns matters other than the Trump campaign’s dealings with Russia, which has been the main focus of mueller’s investigation.

Lindsay Graham, republican senator, said that the verdict against Cohen looks bad for Trump, but pointed out that the lack of clear evidence of an association with Russia. However, there are plenty of other crimes that Trump would be able to be obliged to, judging by the date identified in the survey. But Graham’s loyalty to the Trump is in itself an important sign that the congressional republicans don’t learn to turn against the president. Orrin Hatch, another republican senator, said straight out that it does not have any significance if it turns out that Trump is guilty of serious crimes. Even Kevin McCarthy, the republican other man in the house of representatives, defended Trump in the week and described the entire mueller’s investigation as insignificant.

It is worth recalling that 34 people have already been charged or convicted in mueller’s study, despite the stubborn attempts by Trump and his followers avfärde it as a witch hunt or a distraction.

Himself has Trump also threatened that it will set to become the “revolt on the streets” if he would be impeached.