“There are no more Nupes, it’s an observation but it’s not my doing,” declared, angrily, the leader of the Insoumis Jean-Luc Mélenchon at the microphone of franceinter this Saturday, December 2 in the morning. The day before, he had already stated during a public meeting in Rochefort: “there are no more Nupes, so we pretend that there is still one (…) What we have built is already destroyed.”
But far from trying to understand the reasons for the disintegration of the alliance born barely a year ago, the rebel feigned ignorance and denounced his former allies in turn: “It is the Communist Party which voted, do you hear the people?”, he first said, referring to the PCF vote on October 15. That day, the communists voted 93% for a resolution calling for a rethinking of the “gathering of the left and environmentalists”.
Without slamming the door on the left alliance, the communists explained that “the Nupes, as it was constituted for the legislative elections, under the hegemonic will of LFI” had “become a dead end”. But the nuance does not seem to have appeased the ire of Jean-Luc Mélenchon who crushed the communist party, still at the microphone of franceinter, by accusing it of having maintained its candidacy for the presidential election and of having thus provoked the defeat of the left in the first round.
The rebel then targeted “the socialists” for their vote for a moratorium for which they gave “neither the reason nor the deadlines”. “They removed the word Nupes from the name of their group,” he said. However, the Socialist Party explained itself in a press release, pointing in particular to “the permanent conflictualization” of La France insoumise.
“As for the Greens,” Jean-Luc Mélenchon finally said, “they decided that they were interrupting all joint work.” According to the Insoumis, therefore, no explanation would have been given during these successive decision-making. “Listen to me carefully, I still don’t know why not,” he said. However, the situation has gradually deteriorated within the alliance since the start of the war between Hamas and Israel. At issue: the controversial comments and analyzes of the Insoumis on the conflict between the terrorist group and the Hebrew state.
LFI was particularly criticized for its refusal to qualify Hamas as a “terrorist” group, the day after the bloody attack of October 7 where the Palestinian group’s fighters engaged in extremely violent practices by slitting and disembowelling their throats. civilians. The internal situation also worsened when Jean-Luc Mélenchon criticized Yaël Braun-Pivet’s visit to Israel. On X, he accused the Macronist president of the National Assembly of “camping in Tel Aviv to encourage the massacre”.
Despite these past criticisms, incomprehension dominates and the Insoumis even decided, on December 1, to bury the alliance. Before relying on the French: “This cannot be the future of the left, there is a shared program, it must continue to live. How ? (…) “We are going to create popular unity with those who want. Those who don’t want to do what they want, the French will decide.”