Children’s pictures do not belong to social media, Ilona readers to consider. Mostphotos

over the Last ten years of life our circle has expanded to the digital world. Change is, after all, happened all of a sudden, our own parents never had to worry about digiasioista the same way.

that’s Why somehistoriastamme may find the excesses. When you only get to know the social media world, we might act differently, than what now varttuneempina and wisdom more as we work.

Now we know, for example, that alcohol and somettaminen are not so clever combination, than what they a couple of glasses of wine after feel. We also know that private isn’t necessarily private, as we had imagined.

Thus, many have also closed the Facebook-walls outside and attracting the attention of otherwise attention, what to publish on social media accounts. This is especially true for parents who are having their own privacy but also taking into account their child’s privacy issues.

we Asked Ilona from readers, how they operate their children about in social media. This is how they responded.

”children’s image would, of course, attention to the”

I don’t show in public somekuvissani the faces of my children, the child’s right to privacy.

on the Internet when you put the picture once it is there it never leaves. And the world is a wide range of people, some on the move with bad intentions.

the Children’s images should, of course, a lot more attention, but parents have the duty to think of their children the best and protect their children.


”line my is hear sheer iron”

my kids are not small. I have published them to facebook in a single image of another child’s confirmation day, both of the permission (the second was beautiful, another stylish suit), but I do not praise them.

I don’t publish them either old pictures of little children. I don’t comment on them (good) school success or kicked me upstairs, when the hobby of going with well. Do not belong to the parent somevirtaan.

Share that attitude? Line my is hear sheer iron, you need not be embarrassed now or in the future.

the Children’s friend circles, I hear many teens agonize over, when the mother publishes “cute” or “memorable” image of the child. And think about it in social media also have a child at all.

”friend of the family has begun to follow our example”

We don’t my husband with the publication of two of our children to such images, with which they could identify. In other words, so we published the pictures, which appear on the face.

in Addition, we are very careful about that release where we pictured our children must always have clothes on.

my Husband has never published our children any photos, I’ll publish it once or twice a year. Our children are 2 – and 4-year-olds.

Initially, relatives and friends was difficult to understand the publication ban and we got a couple of occasions to ask for a picture of the deletion of their accounts. Today, all have already become accustomed to things and always ask us first whether to publish a particular image of the account of the children.

Also a couple of friends a family has begun to follow our example. My husband and I believe that children are wonderful and bring joy to those in his immediate circle, but the social world they get to explore the very vanhempinakin.

I also didn’t want to, for example, that my own mother would have published pictures of me naked running in the yard or face dirty with chocolate ice cream, “because it is so sweet”. The kind of picture you can to preserve the family album.

”children have the right to choose for themselves whether they want to see,”

the Wife to do the alignment, that we don’t share kids pictures. This is because my own work is in the public domain. Private life does not belong to outsiders.

we Believe children have the right to choose, does he want to be seen.

the godfather of one share godfather of his children pictures of Finland, we have given the publication of our children in our image only if the child’s face is not recognizable.

If the child is mentioned somepäivitykset, the first initial is sufficient.

”Grotesque, how many is internal simple thing”

I don’t understand, why is this even being discussed. This amounts to the law. Kids don’t get to upload pictures to social networking services without this consent.

did you Get permission under the 3-year-old kid? Therefore, do not share her picture.

I Feel that it is difficult for parents to understand that children have their own personalities and their aspirations, although the ability to express them would still develop now.

Indifferent and grotesque, how many is internal such simple things. My child is not a shared image, and also in my circle seem to comply with the child privacy law quite scrupulously.

Short and sweet

Close to see my children live.

Tell me about your experience!