150 million sek for the LSS, in order to secure the right to support for breathing and tube feeding, can Jan Björklund flaunt with. 380 million to a reduction in employer’s social security contributions, Annie Lööf boast.

It is tempting to count the various items in the vårändringsbudgeten, finance minister Magdalena Andersson unveiled on Wednesday, and to sum up the winners and losers. And the one who makes the notes of the last to be found in the Centre party, the Liberals and the Greens.

the new expenditure of 4.5 billion is to restore the climate action that the Moderates and the Christian democrats picked off in the fall. It’s probably the green mouthpieces who are quite happy with, as well as to efforts partially paid for with flygskatten reinstated. Centerpartisterna take on their side, also like credit for a part of the klimatpengarna and can also beat their chest and point to a half a billion in rural and regional policy. In addition to the money to the LSS may L also a half billion for the teachers ‘ assistants, as promised in the election campaign.

What then could the Magdalena Andersson’s socialists proud of? Not much. But they may not in any case preside over the party, which was the core of januariavtalet’s got to occupy the statsministerposten, C and L were paid in political issues.

On the other hand: the stakes were not particularly high in vårändringsbudgeten. This is partly because the M and KD used a large part of the scope for reform to lower income taxes. Such can not be adjusted during the current financial year. This is partly because the autumn spending increases to a large extent was about the money to the police, armed forces and municipalities. It is such that, in principle, all parties stand behind. The battle does not apply if the betting is to be implemented, but who will get to take credit for them.

this spring’s budget negotiations were not easy and that it was januariavtalet that was difficult. So it is safe, however, so the waiting is also much trickier challenges for cooperation between governments than this.

it is Therefore not enough to P, MP, C and L are fighting for their piece of the pie. They must also ensure that the frames are kept and that the economic policy will have a clear direction.

the first such a will when it is time for deployment. Parts of the scope for reform is already mortgaged – värnskatten to the away – but it is still a much bigger cake to be shared. Thus, there is more to fight about, at the same time, who’s then going to claim more than that just to get to scrape for the crumbs.

this autumn’s negotiations require that the parties clearly sets the big picture in focus. The budget process in flerpartisamarbeten always contains an element of the free-for-all – sakpolitiska scalps to be shown up for their own voters, which the drill above illustrates. So it was to some extent also during the alliansåren and the last red-green government. But because they are involved in both cases was set to even after future elections to reign together, they had a common interest in that the government would succeed, and, in particular, in the Alliance’s case, to construct a coherent project together.

The missing part now. It is therefore not enough to P, MP, C and L are fighting for their piece of the pie. They must also ensure that the frames are kept and that the economic policy will have a clear direction.

The biggest challenge for the cooperation between governments does not apply the budget process, but the reforms that should be implemented on key policy areas: taxes, labour market and housing. Even there are same assignment: to create a whole that is greater than the sum of the individual pieces.