Real work even firmer property and the Volvo station wagon. Everything should be in place before we have children. When multiple study longer than previously, it is not strange that the children also to come later. Erna Solberg said in his nyttårstale that “Norway needs more children!”. But even if Norway need it, will not the people of the reason to have children before “the suits”. People should not have children early just because the uterus dancer or swimmers are in tip-top condition, or because Erna requested. People should have children earlier because they are never going to have as much, and as flexible time, as they have in their studies.

It is not to stick under a chair that it is challenging to be a student with children. I have checked the privilege of my, and it shall be said that I am fortunate to have a family that helps, that I have little compulsory education and have a roommate with a job. To combine reading and bleieskift is not always easy. Sleepless nights have I been down before – but it is because of skippertak, not because of a screaming baby. It is a puzzle that must go up, and in studies with a lot of compulsory education is enough and it’s very difficult.

It helps rather not that The loan fund is the olympic champion in the bureaucracy, and require a small dissertation to pay support studentforeldre badly need. Get the money out to the people, and the loan converted to scholarship. The money you get in hand, or rather forsørgerstipendet should also be doubled. The worst that can happen is that studentforeldre get a bit more money to spend. It should be an easy investment if you ask me.

Before, it seemed completely klin-coconut for me to have a child as a student. However, towards the end of his time at college gave it more meaning. Despite the fact that we lacked anything we really “had” to have, I regret not that we were parents: the Time I have with my daughter can’t be measured in cars, apartments or salary. It is time I never would have if I worked 100 per cent, and – no matter how much you work and the money you earn – time you never get back. When the life time is more behind me than there is ahead of me, then it is probably not your volvo, we lacked I will remember.

the Uk may need more children as students, but it may also be that more children need to have parents who are students.

But what is it really that makes the time spent with a baby meaningful for a father? It’s not that the mother spends most time with the child? The answer is a simple no. I can see that the tape I have with her is valuable, but the value of the relationship is not just a feeling. Studies show that fathers who take out pappaperm get closer ties to the child, and that it is positive for the child’s development. Fathers who have had pappaperm are more active in bleieskift, brushing and play with the baby. But the time spent with the child when it is the baby also affects how active the fathers are later in the child’s life. Several bleieskift leads to more reading and homework assistance. A Norwegian study of the effects of pappaperm have shown that especially girls seem to do better if the father is involved in growing up.

the Ap will have 12 months support for students with children: – We want people to have children earlier

the Debate about that the more should have a child early should not only be about the rights that must be put in place, how leave is to be shared or because “it is good for the Uk”. It should also be about to dispel the myths about all that should be in place. It’s no use to tease with good schemes if the attitude of to have children early is that it is not possible before sjekklista with everything that should be in place is the junction of the.

I’m sure on that this year also has affected how I will relate my future children. If it is a formal or informal problem for my employer that I take out my third of the leave, am I simply in the wrong job. Norway may require that several have children who are students, but it may also be that more children need to have parents who are students.

This post was originally written for the Universitas.