As the sheep farmer Jørgen Blazejewich and shepherd Peter Hélen checked for their sheep on Wednesday afternoon, they got themselves something of a surprise.

On the field in Storålam Midjylland was namely 16 dead sheep, but nine others were included in a such a degree that they might later be killed. The day before the attack they had put in a total of 75 get out on the field.

– I must say, I got terrible stomach ache. I just thought ’no not again’, says Peter Hélen to the TV Midtvest.

For it is not the first time that Jørgen Blazejewich meetings, with the dramatic sight.

about the same time last year, dead 21 of his sheep are in a similar ulveangreb. He has otherwise ulvesikret fencing, but last year had a deer made a hole in it, and this time, there is a mysterious clip a 90 times 90 centimeters big hole in it.

It was later concluded through DNA tests, that it was a wolf that attacked the sheep last year.

According to shepherd it is very likely also a wolf, who has been in the game this time. The attack has been examined by a vildtkonsulent, who has told Peter Hélen on the attack.

– He believes that it is ulveangreb. It is exactly how it used to look like. They are bitten in the throat and bitten in the hind legs, he says.

however, It is only when the DNA samples come back, to you with 100 percent certainty can say whether it is a wolf who has crept in to the sheep.

It should also be possible for the same token, to determine whether it is the same wolf, which in the past has attacked Jørgen Blazejewichs get.