A “last generation” image is often portrayed in the media, depicting roadblockers as implacable and fanatical. The Lord Mayor of Hanover, Belit Onay (Greens), has now discovered another side of the climate protection activists. He responded to an offer from the group that applies to all cities affected by their blockades: as soon as the mayors cooperate with the “last generation”, adopt their demands and send them in letter form to the parliamentary groups, the roadblocks will be suspended .

Onay became the first mayor to come to terms with the “Last Generation”. For his city of Hanover, the activists promised to stop the road blockades after Onay had promised them his support. He promised to send a letter to the parliamentary groups in which he calls for a speed limit of 100 kilometers per hour and the appointment of “councils” whose members are drawn by lot and are to develop CO₂-reducing measures.

His deal did not spark any enthusiasm in the parliamentary groups contacted by the green mayor. Andrea Lindholz (CSU), Vice-Chairman of the opposition Union faction, criticized: “Mr. Onay and Bündnis 90/Die Grünen are supporting a movement that continuously and deliberately commits crimes in order to enforce its concerns, and which is partly supported by professional demonstrators. “

In doing so, these people damaged legitimate concerns and acceptance of climate protection. In a democratic system, political decisions would not be made by “councils” but by “the elected representatives of the people”. Peaceful protests are an important and legitimate means of initiating change, said Lindholz WELT. “Committing crimes to achieve a goal is just as irrelevant as ultimatums or blackmail. I have absolutely no understanding for that.”

The Greens are reluctant to criticize the cooperation. Helge Limburg, right-wing politician in the parliamentary group, said WELT: “We look forward to receiving the letter, but we are in close contact with Belit Onay anyway. In principle, it is right at all levels to seek dialogue and exchange with social groups, although it is clear that decisions must be made in democratic processes. Overcoming the climate crisis remains a task for society as a whole. On all levels.”

The chancellor party SPD reacted critically. Group Vice Matthias Miersch told WELT: “Of course, the SPD parliamentary group and its members are looking for dialogue with a wide range of civil organizations. The Federal Chancellor also discussed this with representatives of the initiative a year ago. However, it is always important to weigh up different interests and find majorities for individual measures. ”But in view of the cooperation between the mayor and the road blockers, one thing is certain: “Politics must not allow themselves to be blackmailed.”

Manuel Höferlin, domestic policy spokesman for the FDP, stated: “Blackmail is not an expression of legitimate protest.” He therefore considers it “naive and dangerous if individual municipalities now give in to this blackmail. Because the next escalation will definitely follow.” In Germany, decisions are made by democratic majorities and not by loud minorities. “Therefore, I advise calmness when dealing with such demands: stick and let stick.”

Source: WORLD

There is no sign of composure in the second-largest opposition party, the AfD, when it comes to political cooperation with the road blockers. For legal politician Stephan Brandner, “a quick end to this criminal nonsense is necessary: ​​good education, robust action and fast, severe punishment are required,” says Brandner. “Politicians must not allow themselves to be blackmailed or coerced,” the Federal Republic is a parliamentary democracy and not a “soviet republic”. Anyone who calls for such councils located next to the parliament or supports such demands “no longer has their feet on the ground of our Basic Law”.

The German press agency spread over the weekend: “The climate protection group Last Generation continues to offer a stop to its protests across the country if the federal government responds to its demands.”

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