
Romain Aerts, a farmer and uncle of the farmer who damaged two plots in the Vallei van de Zwarte Beek nature reserve of Natuurpunt, responds to the accusations made by Natuurpunt. The young farmer was at his wit’s end after the agreements made with Natuurpunt were not upheld. “Vandalism is a very strong word, those little trees were choking in the tall grass,” Romain Aerts reacts.

A 30-year-old farmer from Meldert admits that he took action on the 2 plots of Natuurpunt in the Vallei van de Zwarte Beek nature reserve. He completely mowed down the newly planted forest. The reason is said to be a conflict with Natuurpunt that has been going on for 15 years. Since he doesn’t want to respond himself, his uncle Romain Aerts tells the story. He is also a farmer and has witnessed the conflict up close.

“Fifteen years ago, Natuurpunt asked his father not to bid on the plot on the Hertenrodeberg,” says the farmer’s uncle. “The adjacent plots were also owned by him. It was then agreed that Natuurpunt would buy it and that he could continue to use the land. That was written down on a beer mat.”

The collaboration between the young farmer’s father and Natuurpunt went well for many years, until he was suddenly not allowed to plant corn on the plot. “He abided by that and only sowed alfalfa (animal feed) but then suddenly it was decided to have a tree planting event on the plot. He was never informed about that. Natuurpunt then promised him another plot in return. Then he finds out that he won’t get one after all because Natuurpunt didn’t have a plot available.”

“A registered letter was sent”
“Those young trees were also choking in that tall grass,” the man continues. “No one was taking care of them. My nephew then wrote a registered letter to Natuurpunt stating that he wanted a response within 5 days. If that didn’t happen, he would mow everything down.”

There was no response to that registered letter. “I told him to call the head office of Natuurpunt again, but even then there was no response. That’s when he mowed down the grass and trees. Someone saw that and the next day it’s on Facebook. They use the word vandalism, which I think is a very strong word.”

Romain admits that what his nephew did was not entirely correct, but he believes the reaction to it was disproportionate. “They have no right to plant trees on that plot. They think they are alone in the world, but we do not agree with that,” he concludes.

Response from Natuurpunt
Natuurpunt says that it will never collaborate with the farmer who damaged the two plots in Meldert, Lummen, and hasn’t done so for a while. “The plots were included in a nature management plan in 2022,” says Jan Sauwens from Natuurpunt Zelem region. “They belong to category 4 and are therefore highly protected. There was a public consultation where residents could voice their opinions. After that, the protection was approved by the minister.”

“We have objectives for that area in Meldert as Natuurpunt and aim for grassland vegetation,” Sauwens continues. “If someone digs a trench, the ground dries out and the plants naturally die. Spraying a plot with plant-killing products is also a crime. We have filed a complaint with the police and with Nature Inspection. I am not aware of any agreement or registered letter.”