When Jennie Nilsson woke up on Monday morning, she was vice-president of the parliamentary näringsutskott. At halvtolvtiden explained prime minister Stefan Löfven in the house of parliament, that the socialist hallänningen becomes minister of rural affairs in the new S–MP government.

“I am happy and pleased that these issues have very great weight in the agreement that is enclosed between the four parties,” says Jennie Nilsson.

risen on the political agenda in recent years. It is also one of the longer sections in it so-called januariavtalet, with a proposal for financial support to the farmers, more governmental service locations in smaller towns, the strengthening of property rights for forest owners and much more. This is reforms that were crucial to the Centre party would give Stefan Löfven their support. But Jennie Nilsson believes that the equal is the P-policy.

– these issues have been too low a priority but the development was broken in the previous term. I think that the previous government lifted the rural areas in a way we have not done for decades in Sweden, says Jennie Nilsson.

Read more: all the ministers in Löfvens government

She aimed, inter alia, on the landsbygdskommittén as two years ago in the broad political consensus tabled 75 concrete reform proposals. One of her promises to the rural voters is that the issues continue to be a high priority.

has previously worked as a nursing assistant and has a professional background in Local government. Before she became an mp in 2006, she was a councillor in the municipality Hylte.

The parliamentary experience is something she stresses as important for the term in which the cooperation in the parliament between the government and C and L will be essential.

“I hope and believe that I am known to be able to have good cooperation with my political opponents,” says Jennie Nilsson whose statsrådspost is placed at the ministry of industry.

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