Two hundred last year, the hard income of the list you will find many millions of capital income, life of the people.

This group does not earn any wage income. Number still increases, if account is taken of only a few hundreds or thousands of euros income collected.

Last year, most making who list the first name at # 29, Olli Edward Blåberg. the elevator left the owner of the Machine the genus includes, in 1959 born Blåberg received capital income last year of nearly nine million, income from wages and salaries was pure zero.

See here, last year a thousand high earners.At least these names are missing from the media supplied, the most earning of the list. This year, the disclosure could have been banned for the first time.

Place 46 find born in 1977, Lina Merlev , whose capital revenues last year were approximately eur 6.2 million. Merlev rotate management consulting companies specialising in Back to Basics mentoring to.

# 51 is the investor Jyri Tapio sea power , whose capital revenues last year were eur 5.9 million. Health technology company revenio one of the largest owners belonged to the sea power sold last year, a big pot of shares of the company. 1963 born in ocean currents known today also as a poker pro.

Bakery and catering company Fazer owner of the genus include the Karl Johan Fazer at # 53. Capital revenue Fazer gathered last year to 5.8 million. 1967 born Fazer owns Hahkialan mansion in Kanta-Häme. Mansion sells accommodation and konfressi services.

Fazer owner of a genus belonging to Karl fazer’s capital revenues last year were eur 5.8 million. Description from 2015. Yle

Place 88 is an entrepreneur-investor Veikko Lesonen , who collected capital revenue last approximately eur 4.4 million. Born in 1957, many miljönääri Lesonen rich turn of the millennium after selling the first time the establishment of a production automation company JOT automation’s.

Lesonen has invested their money to investment company Head Invest through new growth companies.

In 1983, born Matti Juhani Savolainen to find 118. place. Capital income Savolainen was awarded in 2018 to more than 3.5 million euros.

Iiro August Riihimäki is ranked 157. 1974 born in Riihimäki was capital income in excess of eur 2.9 million. Investor rich commented on the physics of the doctor does not know just anything, he doesn’t own words, like to be in public.

the acquisition or inheritance of income from capital nest egg

the 1979-born clothing designer Emelie Marina björn berg the investment is the largest income of 172.

a forest enterprise mill on the previously owned stock gained nearly 2.8 million of capital revenues in 2018. Myllykoski was sold to the forestry giant UPM for the year 2010.

In 1984, born in the Lauri Olli Samuel Pentti from eur 2.7 million on capital income place in the 182. Ben’s family belongs to the construction company YIT’s a great person owners.

Place 190 I also found another mill on the ex-owner, Gustaf Johan Ricardo Björnberg . In 1981, born björn berg was a capital income of more than 2.6 million.

none of the above had no income from wages and salaries last year.

Few hundred top you will find three million euros of capital income will reach a dead estate.

In 2017 dead, the internal disease specialist doctor who was working Erkki Olavi Jänkälän the estate gathered in the capital, the income of most, around 7.7 million euros. This from the input list 37. place.

tax planning can save millions

the biggest earners in the list, you can also find the other extreme: millions of euros wages and salaries in the made, who had not moved its earnings capital revenue.

in Finland will be taxed as capital income more lightly than earned income. For this reason, part of a large wage income or on top of them come with bonuses worth having, if possible in the capital as revenue. This is called tax planning for.

Place 45 a Tim Joakim Lönnqvist earned salary income of more than 6.3 million last year, the capital income is not at all. 1978 born Lönnqvist pay taxes 49.3% or nearly half of your earnings.

Lönnqvist has worked with Small Giant Games -game company game designer. The mobile hit game, Empires & puzzles from well-known company was sold last year to 610 million u.s. Zyngalle.

for Comparison: in the case mentioned at the beginning, capital income last year alone received the Lina Merlev settlement almost the same amount of taxes is 34%.

This means that Lönnqvist pay their income nearly million more in taxes than Merlev.

you Can say that a few other Small Giant games in the employee’s tax planning has not gone quite right, even if they got rich trying to trade in.

from Place 109 to find a game designer David Rodriguez Tysinger. , In 1988 was born the Bargo earnings last year were € 3.7 million. Tysinger does not have any capital income. He paid taxes on their income to 49.1 percent.

place from 149 to find a game developer Gergely Patai also paid million of income taxes on a high percent. Born 1982, Patai received income of three million, capital revenue of 53 million.

Ranked 173. the 1975 born Dmitry mikhaylov on was income of about 2.8 million last year, equity income was not at all.

as well As Patain that mikhaylov’s tax rate was 49.

see also:

Look at the high earners list – supercell’s Ilkka Paananen was the last year the most ever earned for the Finnish

Finland has developed thousands of super-rich of the bunch – a big part of the live lightly tax through equity income

at Least these names were missing high earners on the list – among a number of more than 10 million made in

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