According to the federal government, extended operation of the remaining nuclear power plants has only a minor effect on electricity prices. This emerges from a response from the Federal Ministry of Economics to a small question from the CDU/CSU parliamentary group.

According to the Economics Ministry, electricity prices have risen significantly in recent months due to the tense situation on the gas market, although the nuclear power plants are still running. “The reason is that gas-fired power plants are currently setting the electricity price on the exchange almost universally,” the letter says. The answer to the high electricity prices does not lie in the operation of nuclear power plants, but in the electricity price brake.

Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) had decided at the end of October with a word of power that the remaining three nuclear power plants should continue to be operated until April 15th. This was preceded by a long dispute between Economics Minister Robert Habeck (Greens) and Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP).

Now it is the Bundestag’s turn, which could agree in the second week of November. The Federal Council could deal with the plans at a special meeting at the end of November or a little earlier.