the conflict in The black-red coalition of the reason has to be built up over weeks – on Wednesday and now it came to the first pop. With the result that the Reform of the property tax, which must be a judgment of the Federal constitutional court by the end of 2019, could significantly delay. The coalition that there is always more under the pressure of time, the municipalities could miss in the worst case, billion revenue. The reason for the excitement, which allows for conclusions on the tense mood within the government: According to the Union Finance Minister, Olaf Scholz (SPD) brought in his bill to the land tax reform the day before, without the approval of the Chancellor’s office in the divisional vote, with the legislative process begins in the government formally. Scholz had presented the 140-page draft on Tuesday in broad terms to the public, and Cabinet colleagues. According to the Union interpretation, he would not have allowed that – because there had been no release from the Chancellery. Therefore you had was not in the government Central the impression that the Vorkoordinierung – the government terminated the jargon “project-Clearing” between the ministries.

point of contention is a Bavarian special request

At its core, it’s going to be a by the Bavarian Minister President and CSU leader Markus Söder required opening clause for other countries rules, supported by the Union group in the Bundestag, but in the Scholz design is missing. Also, the Chancellor is behind the request: In the government survey in the Bundestag on Wednesday, she said on the question of SPD members, you have to provide “quite liking” for the requirement, possibilities of Derogation for countries. You’ll talk to Scholz about it.
In the Ministry of Finance, one sees the matter differently: Since, after the usual period of no Signal from the Chancellery, the draft is not yet present, introduced him to the departmental vote. This is now on the run. Reports, the Chancellor’s office have stopped the procedure, were rejected. The Chancellor’s office could not stop a division vote. Each of the departments and the Chancellery, could only speak of the sending of the template to the opinion of countries and organizations, it said in government circles.

significant delay

is there a danger that the conflict will be a delay in the Cabinet decision now threatens, however, to the dispute over the opening clause, is settled. According to Scholz, the Cabinet of Ministers should adopt, in the April draft. The municipalities, where the basic flow tax, the appeal for weeks to the coalition to stop the process quickly – they fear the loss of currently 14.8 billion euros in revenue. “The success of the real estate tax reform must not be by special wishes from Bavaria, threatened, which would run on a legal patchwork of property tax models in Germany”, said SPD parliamentary group Deputy Achim Post.
In case it comes to that, the CSU and parts of the CDU reject the Scholz presented a model for reform, because it is from their point of view on value components, such as soil guideline values and net cold rent. Bavaria had always favored a surface model, with the justification that this was easier and less bureaucratic. With the demand for an opening clause linking in Munich in the hope that through their own arrangements closer to the surface model. From the countries – with the exception of the baden-württemberg CDU currently does not support the opening clause.

value, or surface model?

In the Union group supports the concerns, because it provides a lever, generally speaking, the Scholz-model less dependent on the value. A bill without the opening clause is seen as a disadvantage, because it fears that a contribution in the further legislative procedure in the Bundestag could be due to time pressure, difficult. Therefore, Söder and group politicians of the Union, Scholz had worked for weeks hard. Söder called the template of the design without opening clause “disappointing”. Well, that Scholz showed multiple Union Ministers, the cool shoulder. He was economy Minister Peter Altmaier (CDU), the desire for a corporate tax reform emergence.
In SPD circles, the Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU) sees itself as an advocate of Bavarian interests, and as a Cabinet member now, the delay can accomplish, and the Chancellery chief Helge Braun, attests to an inglorious role was on the inside. The Chancellery, prefer, increasingly, the things in themselves – and in the end you get confused and then completely. “We had several rounds already,” it said. This is confirmed in Union circles – with the additional note that this is always the claim to an opening clause in the draft law collected had been. As it is, there is the approach of Scholz a precedent from recent times: a law, which deals with Display requirements for control design models, don’t have Scholz wait for the approval of the Chancellery. The question now is whether the theme has to be drawn into a coalition Committee of the party and parliamentary group Chairman. The next regular Meeting is, however, only for the 16. Is scheduled for may.