Postal strike followed the various professional associations support action (switch to another service) to paralyze the already port operations.

a little over a week that lasts for the Postal and logistics union PAU:no stoppage of contributing to the already Car – and from a shipment of the Employees association, Public welfare sectors union JHL, the seamen’s union and the railway workers Union RAU.

Finland’s largest export port of Hamina-Kotka Port Ltd, transport director Markku Koskinen told me, that the support measures have resulted already in significant financial losses to the port corporation but also for shipping companies and the export industry.

the final amount of losses is pointless to start even to evaluate, before the industrial situation and the subsequent support actions are over, Koskinen said.

from Tomorrow to Wednesday since the ACP-eu support action launched by the stevedoring and freight forwarding industry as well as terminal workers, overtime and shift change the ban affects port operated ships ‘ schedules.

according to ms Koskinen, Hamina–Kotka port operations hamstring also, the fact that JHL’s and RAUn support activities for rail carriages stand untreated in the train yard.

we’ll 25-26 freight trains during the day, and now they are left without unpacking. Part of the train to leave be sure to completely come.

Fast and robust measures

the ACP-eu South-eastern Finland, the region is catching Timo Meriläinen believes that the work stoppage will cease, potentially protracted, increase.

I’m not a fortune teller, but the port has always been considered the weaker side, isn’t that line change. Stop potentially drags us has the capacity for rapid and robust measures, Meriläinen says.

traffic director markku Koskinen, according to the ACP’s complete support for strike paralyzes to Hamina–Kotka Port Oy’s core business, i.e. the ships loading and unloading.

Finland reputation strike the sensitive port state was already improved in some way, but the Post like the national action to stop and its support functions are very visible. At worst, it means that at least some of the ships to leave without Finnish ports, Koskinen said.

Even if the Mail työkiistaan will soon be possible to reconcile, so the strike and its support measures the effect seemed to Hamina–port of Kotka for a long time.

– Accumulated goods give birth to a congestion, which the unloading of spent several days of work.

ACP South-east Finland regional trustee Timo Meriläinen, according to the known is the current more robust support measures, if the post kind of strike is prolonged. Ville Vanhala / Yle”Now let’s hit the innocent”

Hamina–Kotka port, the major operator Steveco Oy, vice steward Janne Härkönen tell you that ACP members stop by the Mail transport processing Monday morning. Tomorrow, Wednesday, starting with overtime and shift change the ban will affect Härkönen, according to the foremost port in the night mission operation.

a Tight schedule because of certain ships loaded with overtime at night, so the overtime ban due to the ships departure from the port is delayed. Also stocks jams have been demolished so far overtime, but at the moment there’s no need.

the trustee Meriläinen, according to ACP and other trade unions support measures have helped the post types of their industrial action in.

– support measures are a clear signal to the trade union movement, the fact that we do not accept the allotment and dictating policy, but things must be agreed with the employee and the employer, Meriläinen says.

traffic director markku Koskinen hope the Postal strike as rapidly as possible the solution that the strike support actions do not escalate any more than it is today.

Koskinen’s already told me she thought that the support of such activities was reached in the port already.

I don’t have any understanding of the support operations section. Finland’s coughing now, when the support action hit innocent, said Hamina-Kotka Port Ltd traffic director Markku Koskinen.

the Postal strike they were trying to solve on Tuesday the kingdom of the mediator by filing a settlement proposal, which workers rejected.

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