According to Kremlin chief Vladimir Putin, the war of aggression against Ukraine is about Russia’s existence. While the West wants to improve its geopolitical position in Ukraine, Russia is concerned with “surviving statehood,” Putin claimed Tuesday at a meeting with handpicked workers at a helicopter factory in Ulan-Ude, Siberia. “After 2014, those who advocated the development of normal relations with Russia simply began to be physically exterminated,” he said, referring to Kiev.

For decades, Russia has tried to build good relations with Ukraine. “The situation changed fundamentally in 2014, when a state coup took place with the help of the West,” said the 70-year-old. After the fall and flight of Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, Russia annexed the Black Sea peninsula of Crimea and supported the separatists in eastern Ukraine’s Donbass region.

Putin once again claimed in front of the questioning and nodding workers that he had been striving for a peaceful solution to the Donbass conflict for eight years. But Russia was “led by the nose”. During the performance filmed by state television, he called on the population to unite in order to achieve victory. More than a year after the start of the Russian invasion, there is no sign that the Moscow military will achieve its war goals. However, Putin said the war would end in “victory and success” for Russia.

Regarding the Western sanctions, when asked by the working people, he said that the West’s hope – the collapse of the Russian economy – had not been fulfilled. It can withstand the pressure. On the contrary, the situation in the country has developed unexpectedly well. In the economic and financial sphere, Russia has become “more sovereign and independent,” Putin said. Replacements were quickly found for the Western companies that left. At the same time, he conceded that there were still dangers from the sanctions.

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