Measles can greatly reduce the child’s earlier acquisition of immune memory traces, which leave the child more susceptible to other pathogens, reports in the journal Science (you move to another service) published a recent study.

the Study investigated the unvaccinated children with antibodies before and after the measles illness, and also against measles in vaccinated children antibodies.

the immune system of the memory traces of the debilitating adverse effects were not observed in vaccinated children. Measles destroyed the unvaccinated children of anti-substances 11-73 per cent.

– we Have found very strong evidence that the measles virus destroys the immunity system. Measles caused by the threat to people is much more thinking about the higher studies with a Harvard medical university professor Stephen Elledge said the british newspaper, the Guardian (switch to another service).

in Finland there is no vaccination compulsion

according to the Guardian, measles will die worldwide per year up to 100 000 people. Measles vaccinations to refuse the wave of triple infections in the last year.

Around one in a thousand with measles die from the disease. Most at risk are small, unvaccinated children. Measles spreads extremely easily.

in Finland, was diagnosed last year, a total of 16 measles cases, which is slightly more than a year earlier. The biggest risk of a wider epidemic is in Ostrobothnia, where there is a vaccination critical because of the more unvaccinated children than in the rest of Finland.

the Spring to be completed in the last government period, launched a report on vaccination operations are being developed. According to it, Finland is not coming vaccination compulsion.

a Statement of the working group leader Kari Ilmonen according to already existing legislation it would be possible to decide on a vaccine by necessity. The group reviewed the relevant also from an international perspective and concludes that the necessity can be demonstrated to benefit.

We have to use such instruments, which coverage will be better, and those tools should be used first, Ilmonen said at the time STT

in Germany was approved in summer, a law on mandatory measles vaccination for kindergarten or school children.

see also:

vaccination critical lecture of the university on the premises raises the rate – of Vaasa Åbo Akademi university rector: “I can’t like choose that this happened”(25.10.)

the islet of last year’s measles infection is not received regional professionals or mps vaccine to position: “It would not be useful for families, children and society”(7.10.)

the WHO warns of measles spread in Europe – a-half years up to 90 000 infection(29.8.)

Finland rely on the clinic, although Germany can be fined soon the measles vaccination refuse – Lark Yle: an alarming number of people consider vaccination avoidance(18.7.)

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