The Minister of Finance Markus Söder was rarely in Berlin, and didn’t go to the conferences with its country-members. The Prime Minister Söder is more common in the Federal capital. Since he is a CSU-chief and thus a member of the coalition Committee. There he sat on Thursday evening with the other coalition tips. Be Petition, the non-employed, however, the round long, was the property tax. Söder and his Finance Minister, Albert Füracker struggle with the reform proposal, the Federal Finance Minister, Olaf Scholz (SPD) and all countries with the exception of Bavaria have agreed. Still bureaucratic, still complicated, still a danger for the tenant, the burden of the levy on the additional costs could rise. The surface model is not come out in the negotiations, the would have had Bayern, but a value-based model.
And, therefore, Söder wants to play now”, the coalition map on the Federal level,” he told the German press Agency. A “working group of the coalition” is his concern. You should take care of the Problem is that Bayern is in the group of Countries in the minority. From a Munich point of view, although not quite so lonely, because Söder says that many countries have “internal” skepticism about the Scholz presented model has been simplified in the course of the talks. But in fact, all countries have abandoned the Federal Minister now, on that basis, to draft a bill. The working group seems to consist in the fact that Scholz will deal with the Bavarians once again.

do Not block, but don’t change

Söder wants to Block the project, apparently. But somehow, the reason is to get tax reform, but still a bit of a Bavarian manuscript. Since the two main concerns were not to enforce (in addition to a pure surface orientation without any value component, they had flirted in Munich, first of all, in order to delegate the legislative competence of the countries), now probably opening clauses.

Söder campaigned in part on Friday in the Bundesrat urges that the countries should stress their independence in the future. Opening clauses or off-type opportunities in the Federal law would mean that countries can set their own accents. Specifically, Söder. Such opening clauses, however, could be also for other countries. A Background of the Bavarian intractability: In the aim of revenue neutrality – the basic tax, the volume overall is not to rise, to come to Bavaria for a value model will probably be higher charges to financial compensation as in the case of a pure surface model.

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property tax Reform, all roads Lead back to Karlsruhe?

Albert radio

Bayern Wanted to settle it in fact, alone, would have to Söder now soon the stop signal. Because the Federal constitutional court, has called the Reform a year ago, put a period to the end of 2019 for the new rules. Until then, would have to be a well on the Federal level, an enabling law for the countries of responsibility to be adopted, on the other, a new land law would have. But then we would presumably start in the countries ‘ coalitions of the rings again. As the tax accrues solely to the local authorities – currently there are 14 billion euros in the year, cities, municipalities and counties with no large interest in delays. You bet on the fact that the tax continues to flow reliably. And all municipal associations have spoken out against the surface model.