Defectors from the output from the left and the right have found the open doors, the nominations “the repairing” of litigation at the time filed, very few women, many leavers and a pattuglione of the mayors and administrators. Passed the rock of the deadline for the submission of applications, the official lists for the regional calabria are the picture of chaos, then reassembled in extremis, which has characterised the last months of the political discourse in Calabria.

The center-right party is full of defectors, of which three in the exit from the majority that supported the governor-dem Mario Oliverio, who have found a place both in the personal list of the candidate Jole Santelli, both of Udc and Brothers of Italy. In the lists that will support Santelli, there are also many mayors and administrators, including the mayor of Sant’eufemia, Domenico Creazzo , chosen by the centre-left to the guidance of the park of the Aspromonte. About Reggio Calabria, seem to be recomposed the friction between the Alloy and the area of the former governor Giuseppe Scopelliti , in prison for forgery and abuse of office for having taroccato the municipal budget from the mayor of the town in calabria, the Strait. In the lists of the Carroccio for the district in the South, there is more than one of his loyal soldiers, while in the Same party Salvini host the president of Coldiretti, Peter Molinaro . So many of the leavers, like the “timeless” politics in calabria, starting from Pino Gentile , elected continuously for 49 years between the Parliament and the Region, and often touched or kissed by the judicial investigations. But among the candidates of all formations that support Santelli is not the only one.

In the center passes the line “Callipo” and from the lists disappear all or most of the candidates that the “king of the calabrian tuna” had branded as unpresentable or unwelcome. They had to renounce to the candidacy of Francesco D’agostino, Orlandino Greco and Nino De Gaetano, all very close to former governor Mario Oliverio, who, however, rips a good placement for the Flora Sculco , the leaders, both in the district Centre in the district South. Remains empty-handed, the former deputy dem Bruno Censor. Many new faces and some return in Pd, which leader in the district of Catanzaro-Vibo – Crotone-detached house Carolina Sunflower , former mayor anti-mafia close to Free, dragged in the mud by an investigation against the mafia, back in politics after the final acquittal. Many of the outgoing re-elected, a lot of the Cgil, from Mimma Peaceful, secretary general of the Sunia-Cgil to Raffaele Mammoliti , and several young. As announced, in the list there are very few professionals in politics, but more than one has made a name in their professional environment, by university professor Franco Ruby to the luminary of neurology, Domenico Consoli .

Many teachers and ecologists who have found a place in the list of the independent Carlo Tansi , former head of regional civil protection that he himself has also Sandro Pieces , entrepreneur and victim of the racket cosentino and former deputy mayor of Riace, Giuseppe Gervasi , who has led the Municipality until the end of the mandate when Mimmo Lucano was overwhelmed by the inquiry Xenia. Activists more or less unknown, selected through the mechanism inside the pentastellati of regionarie, make up the official list of the M5s, led by Francesco Aiello , that to sustain it will have, for the first time a civic.

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