the ROME – The new balance in the majority of yellow-red, relations with the Pd, the question of Justice. The leader of Italy Alive, Matteo Renzi intervenes during Circus Maximus on Radio Capital. And it starts with a jab at the former. For Renzi, secretary of the dem from 2013 to 2018, “the Pd goes to the trailer of the grillini, I thought they were the home of the reformists”. The former premier is back on the case, the prescription and the vote of Italy Alive to the proposal of Forza Italia. “The reform Bonafede of the prescription opens with the uncertainty and the populism of the judiciary”.

And after Bonafede, the council Of Maio. “Allow me to give a tip Of Maio without controversy: the foreign ministry has excellent professionals, I, too, at the beginning I was a party prevented before working on it, the minister of Foreign affairs please help, and our priorities are to retrieve a role, especially in Libya”. The former secretary of the Pd, then, addresses the issue of the revocation of the license to the Highways. “The withdrawal to the Highways stands if you have the legal basis, otherwise you’re the biggest gift to the Highways that will ask for 40 billion of compensation”. Still: “Who is guilty pay, he added,” but you have to have seriousness, to say that we will make the withdrawal means scare investors”.

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Carlo Verdelli SUBSCRIBERS TO REPUBLIC © Reproduction reserved reader COMMENTS Today on Tomasi: “Now serves the peace. We will make investments, but the withdrawal we would go down” “Redesign and more controls.” The new rules for bridges and tunnels Count and the meeting with the multinational companies: “Invest in Italy, the taxes will decline,” The freedom of Sergio Referendum, Luciani: “The judges have decided in continuity with the previous cases. Makeup league did not work”

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