Several of the parliamentary parties have chosen to make the fight against nationalism and right wing populism to one of their big issues for the EUROPEAN elections on may 26. Already on the way in to Wednesday’s riksdagsdebatt if the EU announced prime minister Stefan Löfven that the elections should be seen as a referendum on the fight against far-right extremism. He continued on the same theme both in the pulpit and at a press conference after the debate went S-leader hard out against both M and KD.

” the Conservatives ime to the EU-parliament have said that they can imagine to cooperate with the nationalists. The christian democrats have said that they can imagine to cooperate with The sweden democrats, says Stefan Löfven.

reacted strongly to the allegations, which he calls ”nonsense”.

– basically combine the EPP, the S-group and the ALDE for the simple reason that we are for cooperation with the EU, and often have common perceptions in Europe. All the negotiating with all the in lot of other questions. It is nothing new. It comes to their group and our group. You can get through their own policies you should of course talk with others in order to succeed, ” Kristersson.

Voters do not have the same priority of the issue, several of the parties. According to a poll that the DN/Ipsos done, it is just a percent that puts the fight against högernationalismen first, issues as climate change and migration is at the top.

” It is important to have multiple perspectives at the same time. It is our duty to stand up for democracy, “says Stefan Löfven to DN, and continues:

” It takes not, of course, the importance of fair jobs and a functioning labour market that will realize people’s dreams and not smash them. Therefore, I talk also about the threat to the climate, how we are working against terrorists and against organized crime. It fits in the same discussion. But we must not underestimate the fundamental, we have seen it in Europe and we shall not see it again, ” says Löfven.

and the sweden democrats ‘ leader Jimmie Åkesson set S-the leader accountable if the SSU are in Malmö, sweden, skanderat ”crush zionism” on the first of may. Stefan Löfven said that the youth league should deal with its own members, but does not rule out further action.

” Of social democracy in the labour movement, there is zero tolerance for anti-semitism. The who wants to be a part of the Swedish labour movement stands up to 100 percent against anti-semitism. No other terms.

the Christian democrats and the Centre party leaders smoke together significantly. KD-leader accused the Centre party Annie Lööf to deliberately lie about KD’s policy. It is about a debate article in Aftonbladet, written by The centre party’s top candidate Fredrick Federley.

In the article accusing Federley KD for not being able to choose between liberal values and diktaturfasoner. Federley was referring to KD’s candidate Sara Skyttedals statements in an interview with DN earlier in the spring. Centertoppen writes in his op-ed:

”Sara Skyttedal could in an interview a couple of weeks ago not to choose between the French democratically elected president of Macros and Hungary’s disputed leader, Viktor Orbán. It should not be difficult to choose between a democratically elected liberal or an authoritarian leader who will stop the freedom of examining the media and imprisoning opponents.”

Ebba Busch Thor are now accusing Survivors of lying about KD’s policies and calls for honesty from the previous allianskollegan.

Annie Lööf on a straight question in the house do not dissent from that statement. Instead, this contributes to mislead the voters, and consciously, the danger of untruths about what our policy is. For example, on the issue of abortion that we are behind but does not belong at EU level, ” she says.

the distance from the Federleys formulations.

” of Course, do not hesitate, the Christian democrats between democracy and dictatorship. There are a number of too hårdragna formulations of the op-ed Fredrick Federley written in the day, “says Annie Lööf and but adds:

” But it is a fact that the christian democrats voted against women’s right to abortion in the european Parliament, and it is also the fact that Viktor Orbán’s party are members of the group and KD sitting in, ” she says.