When the relationship first fine careless rapture evaporates, displays of affection reduced. Everyday running can seem frustrating, if herself for not feeling loved. Readers tell of their experiences. Dmitry Schemel/Unsplash”I’m Afraid, that day will come, when I’ve had enough”

I Identify myself as a physical touching as that tended family of exhaustion.

Then angry, when the rest of the family is resting on the couch and wonders what it is she now so in a bad mood.

I Have said clearly that I want to help with housework and other similar. I understand, angry, grumpy… Situation is corrected always for a moment, but the point again I see run up the servant’s quiet role.

our Family is big and the two youngest are special needs kids, so we’re already in the danger zone with my husband.

I Love my husband and my children more than anything, but I’m afraid that day will come, when I really enough and get the difference without any trouble.

”it is important to Me that my own husband thinks I’m beautiful”

I Have the outer shell of my beautiful and I receive daily attention and compliments. For me it is always still important that your own husband to keep me as desirable and beautiful.

my Husband was again very low self-esteem, which led to the fact that he cheated on me several, several times. I always hear that ”good is what you have to say, after all the praise and adore you”.

I always Told that what matters to me is what my husband thinks of me. However, let’s betrayed thomas, I’m sorry, until the same continues, I said I wanted a divorce, it is not blocked or stopped his constant self-esteem boost half of younger teenagers.

instead, that we had been together for strong and continued life, to my husband me for granted. He thought he could do anything, thinking that I’ll always be there, and I’m not alone.

I Packed my stuff, moved into their own apartment and how nice it feels when my new boyfriend bought us a trip to Spain.

I’ve never asked for gifts, and those ever the previous guy didn’t. I don’t flowers, I don’t women’s day gift, I won’t betray designations after any surprises.

I don’t think their worth, but now I feel for the first time in six years that anyone really wants to see you for you effort and see me happy, it warms my heart! This is the best feeling!

Mostphotos”with Respect to the beginning annoyed how few words he is”

my Husband is often a very little words about his feelings. Always for example, if I ask, “are you my dear”, he only muttered a reply.

But on the other hand, then when the love confession rarely heard, it is best to what is. It feels better, because it is not repeated in harvase day.

our Relationship in the beginning, I maybe a little annoyed by it, how few words or movements, my husband is the love story of a relationship, but my husband shows his love in other ways, for example in the morning by taking the armpit, by making food or hipsuttamaan the back of my tv watching.

Sometimes, however, the still annoying lack of communication, for example, about our sex life. In his opinion, yes, figure it out, although I’m a little worried about how little sex we had. In his opinion, sex is not the most important thing, but such a little sullen Finnish style debate on the topic may sometimes be annoying or irritating, when people don’t get anything out.

But I think that no life can be sustained fireworks. Talking is the thing that everyone should remember… and every night yöpusu.

”the Home was the second job main job after the”

Our nice and good-hearted people is a lot, having a family everyday responsibility on the shoulders. Yes, we can, it’s the intent. This is my story.

my Husband is the entrepreneur who makes mainly reissutyö. I returned to work when my husband wanted me to get a job. I did it also for myself.

I was left with, after all, all the responsibility for home and children with special needs. For five years I could until I started to fatigue.

my Husband forgot reissutyö addition to the family everyday life is and how much it will take strength, if all is one man’s shoulders. I was a self-evident also in the circle of friends: yes, for me, was able to bring the child for treatment without prior inquiry.

my Husband own a hobby because of the family time was little.

I Started to finally take myself your own time, when, over the years, I forgot myself. I asked for quality time also my husband along with being a relationship. For me it would have been a luxury to leave the hotel even for one night, to get away from home. Home when is the second job main job after. A great stress number is bad.

it is obvious, that will take care of everything, even the days before agriculture, everybody had to do. In our case, the experience was hard, my husband left me for another woman and left his family.

the Everyday running is hardly changed, but the support disappeared and I got an additional burden on my shoulders. All of us have to learn the school corridor, but another man’s respect and regard may forget. Give thanks to each other. Think about what matters most in life before it’s too late.

”need of the physical demonstrations of love”

In need of physical expressions of love: touch and kisses and hand holding of hands.

I also Need in-depth discussion of common and mutual understanding of emotion.

my Ex-husband didn’t know how naturally these me the address or give, and often feel themselves to be clear.

Several times I mentioned it, but if the way of working is not the natural human condition, not to be able on to glue.

in the End of our relationship, however, fell on it, I met myself a perfectly suitable spouse, with whom the language of love is common and soul of the partnership seamless.

Life does not tell you what in front of expect, at the moment I’m happy and I believe, that the former for my husband, too is some kind of partner, with whom communication and understanding is seamless.

the Main thing, that the difference in treatment was objectively, and not hold a grudge against anyone.

”must Not be assumed that the second is a home machine”

the honeymoon period fading after I was married and had a child, disappeared completely.

does Not become touch, no gentle words, no gifts even for christmas. Everyday spin took power, and fall asleep often with the child in the evening to go to bed. Sex came to wake, if it had been. No matter how tired I was, admittedly, often I refused and continued my dreams.

the Dispute about housework, which I did child care and work alongside. I feel like a slave at home. Divorce put and consider time going. Housework and child care is, but at your own pace and a lot of casual as. Marriage needs work from both, and not to assume that the other is self-evident or/and household appliances.

the Thing is published for the first time at the beginning of December 2018.

Video the most common failure reasons.