Sofia Nahringbauer, presskommunikatör at the MINISTRY for foreign affairs, believes that Russia’s actions stems from the fact that Sweden has previously given negative visumbesked to Russia.

Sweden has previously provided notification that a Russian diplomat has not gotten her visa extended and left in the negative notice of Russian applications for a diplomatic visa. Russia then responded by two Swedish diplomats have been asked to leave Russia, ” she says.

the foreign MINISTRY does not want to answer when you got the news from the Russian side.

” I have no further comments on this matter.

the Russian foreign ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova said that the expulsion was a ”reciprocal measure”, the head of the Russian state-controlled news agency Tass, according to Reuters.

the Russian counsellor of Yevgeny Umerenko delicto during a meeting with a suspected Russian spy in Stockholm. According to DN’s sources, assesses the security Police that the diplomat was the head of the Russian intelligence service SVR in Sweden. Umerenko later left the country after pressure from the Swedish government.

the foreign office would not answer whether Russia’s actions are linked to the event.

the Minister for foreign affairs Margot Wallström declines to comment on the case and refers to the MINISTRY’s statement.

Read more: High Russian diplomat singled out as the spy chief in Sweden

Read more: Sniper-Russian spy chief has left the country