The Chancellor hopes that Sigmar Gabriel plays a stronger role in the SPD. Party leader Nahles lacked economic competence and linguistic slip-up, says Schröder in an Interview. the

The former German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder argues in favour of, to put in view of the serious crisis of the SPD, again, more on Ex-foreign Minister, Sigmar Gabriel. “Sigmar Gabriel is perhaps the most talented politician we have in the SPD,” said Schröder, the mirror. “He just stepped in the party for a few people to set on the feet. He must decide for himself whether he wants to play a stronger role. But the SPD could benefit from his skills.”

Schroeder, to clarify the next Chancellor candidacy in a primary. “The SPD has made with the primary good experience,” he said. Party leader Andrea Nahles said the former Chancellor, the “economic competence”, the need to have a candidate. He also criticized Nahles’ linguistic slip-up, such as the formulation of “Bätschi”. “Amateur mistake,” said Schroeder: “she was not Chairman, but it is not easy.”

Nahles had said in December of 2017, in a Bundestag speech on the talks with the Union about the formation of a government: “The SPD is needed. Bätschi, I say. And that is pretty expensive. Bätschi, I say.” A few weeks earlier, shortly after the election, she had answered the question of how you feel after your last Cabinet meeting and before the change to the top of the SPD group in the Bundestag, with a view to the Union colleagues: “A bit sad and tomorrow get you in the face!”