What happened was strange, factually. That Trumps the united states was not on the train surprised to get, and Hungary dropped out of the perhaps not so unexpected. But when in Austria at the end of October announced it would pull out of the raised eyebrows at the united nations-officials and politicians in many countries. And more defections to come.

eventually voted to five countries against the UN’s first global framework on migration: USA, Israel, Hungary, the Czech republic and Poland. Twelve countries abstained. Nine countries had the right to the conference in early december that tied up the bag.

these countries in the 17 months participated in the negotiations on the matter, but to imply that they did not like what was said. And none of the guidelines formulated was binding. There is certainly migration which raises controversy, but all agreed that all practical decisions should remain the national one hundred percent.

the Process of migrationspakten developed into a political drama that no one had predicted. In Belgium caused purely by a brawl that led to the government fell.

the President of the conference in december, Louise Arbour, was very disappointed in the dropout rate but also genuinely surprised. She thought the arguments were ”absurd”.

– They are based on either ignorance or misconceptions. Some say that the document is an infringement of state sovereignty. But the text says very clearly that countries decide independently, ” said Arbour to DN.

surprisingly high political overtones surrounding the seemingly harmless document may have received its nourishment from a concerted on-line campaign from the right wing and islamkritiska activists, who pressured the government parties to pull out.

It shows a review conducted by researchers at the ISD, an international institute based in the united kingdom examining the extremism on the net, and as the news site Politico.

the ISD’s review shows that nätaktivisterna spread inaccuracies and misinterpretations of the framework on a large scale. Among other things, was alleged, without factual basis, that the document the UN was developing at that time would force countries to accept migrants.

the videos and the lists of names on forums, sites, and social media – must have been in full swing in October. Up until then, the UN framework has attracted little attention, but then ”played right-wing extremists and right-wing populists a disproportionately large role” when it came to trying to influence the debate on the settlement, according to the ISD’s analysis of posts in social media.

It appeared that, for example, the Italian and austrian school leaving preceded by a clear rising nätaktivitet around migrationspakten from the right wing groups.

the Researchers believe that nätaktivismens rapid turnover in political reality is an example of how the process is kidnapped by a global network of nationalist and far-right activists.

by popular Youtubeprofiler and ”influencers” such as the austrian högerextremisten Martin Sellner.

– due to invandringskritik has such a prominent place in this type of groups was the united nations migrationsramverk something that could get in the time these groups all over the world, says the head of the ISD’s device for the digital analysis Choe Colliver to Politico.

– Nationalist parties in the entire world, is a special niche, a special network. Their activists will inform each other and embrace each other’s political positions, ” says Ico Maly, who researches media and politics at the university of Dutch Brabant, at the same site.

Read more: Many countries drop out of the UN conference on migration