march 29, the Uk is according to plan to leave the EUROPEAN union. Then the parliament in London rejected minister Theresa Mays negotiated utträdesavtal with the EU, it is highly uncertain how the exit will be legally.

to be approved, there is a risk that the british are ”crashing” out of EUROPE, out in the avtalslöst country. On Tuesday meps will vote on a number of add-ons.

“We can get through this legislation,” says Torypolitikern Andrea Leadsom, in a BBC interview that Reuters refers.

Leadsom leads to the house of commons and is at the same time, adjunct minister.

– And I am absolutely sure that if we would need a couple of weeks to the us, or so, so it will be possible.

believing that it is necessary to change in the EU’s utträdesparagraf, article 50, in order to obtain these extra weeks.

An amendment of article 50 requires that all EU countries are in on it.

Read more: Labour opens up for new Brexitomröstning