This article comes from “Figaro Magazine”
When we saw the image for the first time, we initially believed in one of these pranks generated by artificial intelligence (the Pope in a white down jacket, Donald Trump arrested by American police officers, etc.) . In a black and white photo – it’s more chic and gives a vintage look -, Emmanuel Macron in profile, his biceps and forearms impressive and very different from those we had seen so far, strikes angrily a punching bag with boxing gloves.
It appears that this is not a joke but a photo of the official presidential photographer, which is why we cannot distribute it and have chosen Mr. Macron’s model, Rocky himself. The message is simple: let them come and get it! Because boxing is his project! After Édouard Philippe and Olivier Véran, boxing is the latest in communications. Com quite disastrous since the bellicose photo sparked hilarity on social networks.
But sport is a source of ideas and other parties could be inspired by it: we would see Marine Le Pen throwing the javelin, Laurent Wauquiez in the MMA octagon, François Bayrou throwing weights, Jean-Luc Mélenchon devoting himself to weightlifting, let’s go. “Who can imagine for a single moment General de Gaulle being indicted?” asked François Fillon, one day of inspiration. Who imagines him posing with boxing gloves? In the meantime, he said to himself that Putin would have anxiety attacks, that he would be trembling, close to a nervous breakdown, and that he would consider going to hole up in Siberia to listen to Mireille Mathieu. In France, we know how to dissuade.