this Year’s flu took off before christmas and reached a first medium peak week 52, and then levelling out.

– Now we see that the increase throughout the country. It follows the same pattern as you could see last year when we saw an increase at this time of the year, ” says Anna Sara Carnahan, who is an epidemiologist at the Folkhälsomyndigheten.

Above all, it is children under five years who are most ill in this year’s flu. They constitute ten percent of all noted cases in the last week, that is to say, 126 cases. But it is only those who become so ill that the family sought care.

– at the same time, we see that there are unusually many parents who are calling to 1177 Vårdguiden to their small children have a fever, ” says Anna Sara Carnahan.

A third of all calls in the last week (33 per cent) was about the fever. It is more than usual other seasons when it tends to be 25 per cent.

– So it is a pretty hefty increase, ” says Anna Sara Carnahan.

affected by this year’s flu is that it is, above all, the swine flu spread (80-85% of all cases).

the Latest epidemic with the swine flu we had in the winter of 2015/16.

the Flu is increasing in the country and has reached its highest level so far this year. Photo: FREDRIK SANDBERG / TT

most people who are born after the season, has not had the variety and therefore have no protection.

– On the other hand, usually child cope with the flu, well, if they do not have any underlying medical condition that makes it more complications.

the highest peak is reached. But this week begins the winter break in some places and then hope that the spread will decrease slightly because the children are not in school.

” We’ll see if it takes even more speed, or if the spread decreases. Some years, we have seen that the half-term break can break of the disease spreading because the kids stay at home, ” says Anna Sara Carnahan.

In the figures are just those who have sought care and received an actual diagnosis via sampling.

– But if you think that it is one of hundreds taking the test at, so it can be more than 100,000 who are ill but do not seek care.

across the country. In the beginning of the season stack Norrland out with more cases during week 52 than the rest of the country.

– It may have to do with the cold comes earlier and do that the flu spreads easier in the north, ” says Anna Sara Carnahan.

the Cold makes for drier air, both indoor and outdoor and then can virusdropparna travel farther in the air and infect more. People also tend to stay indoors more when it is cold which can favor the spread.

a 70-percent protection. This year, the vaccine offers protection against four influensasorter of which two were the influenza a species now is common (swine – and Hong kong-infuensan). In the vaccine were also two influenza b types circulating in front of all the other places in the world.

“This means that in the year gives a 70% protection,” says Anna Sara Carnahan.

Even if the vaccination does not protect everyone from getting infected, so suppresses the so that it will not be as seriously ill.

the Flu is contagious the day before symptoms come and then when you fall ill then it is that most viruses in the body.

Vaccination protects about 70 percent. Photo: Onsøien, Ole Gunnar, Ons ia, Ole Gunnar

the Spread is greatest in the first and second day when you feel your worst. When the symptoms begins to subside, to become less contagious.

you should try to stay home from work, especially when you feel the worst as you then have the most virus in the body.

Then you have to cough and sneeze in the elbow and not straight out in the air because the Influenza virus can go ten metres through the air.

– Cough is not in your hands as you then take in the handrails and other things with, or use a handkerchief that you throw. And wash your hands, ” says Anna Sara Carnahan.

others can try to sleep someone else to not lie down and cough at the one that is in the next bed.

It is contagious even when the worst influensasymtomen have start blade out.

– It is often said that it takes a week to get over the worst symptoms, even if the tiredness and cough can hang on.

” It’s a recurrence of epidemic and every winter season, there are people who become really sick and even die. It can become serious. During the most intense seasons it can be up to 3,000 people dying.

How many died in this year’s flu, you don’t know yet. It is difficult to measure because it rarely says “influenza” in the death certificates. Therefore, the authorities are attempting to make a calculation about when the flu may have been a contributing cause to someone’s death.

” You see a generally cyclic pattern where more and more people die during the flu season in the winter.

But a season like this, when it concerns, above all, the swine flu, so it is not the same as death because it does not affect the older population as hard. They have a certain level of protection then before. Younger people who get the flu aren’t at equal risk of dying.

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it has a protection against swine flu because there is then circulated to a variety that is similar to the swine flu.

– Many of which are old in the day got the variation when they were young and have therefore left a protection. It means that they will not be as sick.