the Social – and health minister Aino-Kaisa Pekonen (left.) is of the opinion that cannabis use of the drug should be prescribed punishment.

– I Support the fact that cannabis use is not penalised, Pekonen says to Yle.

the minister believes that those who need care will get better care if they should not be criminal penalties for cannabis use.

– If this kind of use should not be a judgment, so it helps seeking treatment for, Pekonen says.

the Parliamentary handling is becoming a citizens ‘ initiative, according to which cannabis use should not be punished.

Aloiteen according to the penalty should also not be a few cannabis plants growing for their own use.

Also minister of internal affairs Maria Ohisalo (gr.) tell last week the endorsement of the citizens ‘ initiative.

Police oppose drug legalization

Police force Seppo Kolehmainen said last week, MTV news extra in that drug use penalisations does not like to remove (move to another service).

Police sees drug-related in the world of death, violence, abuse, prostitution, families worry, parents, pain, and general crimes. It is very difficult to accept any liberalisation, which is associated with the drug, Kolehmainen said to MTV.

What do you think of social affairs and health minister is the head of the national police’s view?

Here is a different perspective. We need to visit certainly a bigger substance of the political debate, which can be thinking about our substance abuse problems. Self-critical substance abuse and substance use. I see that we have, particularly among young people the problem, but I would look more to there drug treatment perspective, Pekonen says.

left-wing party has a common position

the Social – and health minister Aino-Kaisa Pekonen, according to the left party is not a common position on the use of cannabis on the citizens ‘ initiative.

This is my personal view of it, he said.

Helsingin sanomat told the prime minister Antti Rinne (sd.) line due to yesterday in parliament (you move to another service), that the government ”does not advance” use of cannabis decriminalization in. In this link you can see what kind of discussion cannabis use was question time.

see also:

they caught you smoking cannabis? These 7 things that can follow the

Ohisalo: the Greens support the drug use offence of abandonment

the Police chief in a dramatic MTV news extra: the Drug use penalisations does not like to remove (move to another service)

50 000:no signature limit was exceeded – the citizens ‘ initiative cannabis decriminalisation proceeds to the parliament on

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