Susana Díaz has squandered the legacy that will be left to José Antonio Griñán after the 2012 campaign, when the PSOE seemed to have touched ground with 1.5 million votes and 47 of the 109 seats in the Parliament. Two years later, with the socialist leader as a candidate, the socialist party lost 100,000 votes, but stayed with the same seats. The demobilization of the electorate, unhappy with the management of Diaz (by 60% according to the latest survey of the CIS), and the memory of the convulsive episode of succession in the party, where the leader andalusian lost the primary against the current president of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, have broken the soil and have led to the worst results of the PSOE in Andalusia during the democracy. Despite these results, Diaz has made an appeal to the democratic parties to create a dam common containment to the extreme right, which would mean a re-count with the support of Citizens. The leader of this formation, Juan Marín, has advance your position with a terse “they have been finishing the bargain”, in reference to the PSOE.

The PSOE has won the elections, but it is with 33 seats and the 27,95% of the votes (1.009.243 ballots). Forward Andalucia low to 17 seats, which are insufficient to ensure a majority of the left. The worst result was socialist before these elections it was with Manuel Chaves as a candidate in 1994, when he won 45 seats with 1.395.131 votes (38%).


The socialist party is sinking, the left loses the most and Vox bursts with 12 deputies, The PP is declared euphoric and willing to make a pact with Vox Citizens grow more than double to 21 deputies of The extreme right emerges in Andalusia: Vox gets 12 deputies

With sad faces, the socialists have clothed yourselves with Susana Diaz, who has appeared to the eleven, and a minute of the night. “Despite having won the elections, it is a sad night for the socialists,” he said. “It is obvious the kick real on the left. But what is more serious is that has entered the extreme right and has done so in Andalucía”, has been analyzed.


“Knowing that we had the confidence majority, I appeal to the political forces constitutionalists to stop the extreme right in Andalusia”, he asked Diaz. The socialist leader has taken the responsibility to call the remaining games and say if they want to add their votes to those of the extreme right or to prevent a party “xenophobic” and that “justifies violence against women”.

“That tell you if you are willing to that the parliamentary majority the condition a party of the extreme right”, has challenged Susana Diaz to the rest of the formations, who has acknowledged the loss of the confidence of a 7% of the electorate compared to the last elections. In this way, the socialist leader has made a call, mainly Citizens, to be “dam” of the extreme right. To this call, John Marin has turned a deaf ear.

The scenario poll leaves out the possibility of an alliance with the Forth Andalusia, the confluence of UI, and we Can not even sum the 20 that were obtained separately in the last legislature. The seats won by the PSOE these oils the victory of the party, which will be the head of the opposition for the first time in the history of democracy andalusian if you eat the right alliance.

Diaz has arrived at these latest elections after a progressive wasting of the socialist party he inherited from José Antonio Griñán, who will Supertotobet be left to the control of the Board of Andalusia in 2013 to avoid the pressure of the case of the ERE, fraud with subsidies and labour, on the presidency of the Board. Griñán reached the headquarters, regional, despite the first and only victory of the PP to date in Andalusia. The popular candidate then, Javier Arenas, got 50 seats, three more than the PSOE. However, the socialist alliance and UI allowed for a coalition Government.

Diaz inherited this circumstance, but was not able to consolidate that union left. Called elections on 22 march 2015 with the hope of recovering part of the vote, and to dispense with the support of parliamentarians from other formations in order to govern.

The PSOE, with a participation of the 63,94%, is made with 47 seats thanks to 1.411.755 votes (100.00 less than that obtained Griñán). But in percentage was no longer the way to 7%. Diaz, after almost three months of blockade, got his investiture with the support of Citizens, who irrumpía in the Parliament with nine seats. We remained in the opposition after having won 15 representatives and IU was left with five.


No one has celebrated the victory of the PSOE in the hotel where the socialists waited entrenched the election results. The first notice came to them from the polls of polls, which predicted the debacle. Unlike other calls, no officer appeared not even to acknowledge that the election day has been held without incident featured.

Before eleven in the evening, the president of the Board was hidden with his equipment. They had prepared the speech based on that, once again, the PSOE was the party with the most votes and the left-added support sufficient to think in a socialist Government, once again after 36 years. However, the results, well below the predictions of the polls of the campaign, and the statements of the parties who were in second and third position (PP and Citizens), made them redo the speech.

“They ran out of the bargain,” cried Juan Marín from the headquarters of Citizens, given the fact that will fulfill the promise not to go back to the support of the socialists during the new legislature, as they did during the previous term of Susana Díaz.

Juan Manuel Moreno gave also made the switch, so that the alliance of the parties of the right is already just a matter of negotiations. The leader of the PP has justified the results in “the weariness of the population searching for alternatives to Andalusia.” The PP has remained as the second party with the most votes, although it was left seven seats that have affected the Citizens and Vox.

A victory inadequate in seven of the eight provinces

The PSOE has won in seven of the eight andalusian provinces, but it has been insufficient to ensure an ample majority in the Parliament, where right-wing forces add up to more than the votes of socialist and Ahead of Andalusia.

The PSOE has maintained its stronghold of Seville, but has lost two of the seats with regard to 2015. The same has been lost at Cadiz, where it governs in the capital we Can, training, in confluence with IU, has lost a representative. In Almeria has won the PP and the PSOE has done in Huelva, Jaén, Córdoba, Jaén and Granada.

In Malaga, the PSOE, the PP and Cs, have been tied to four seats.