Here are the first reactions to the remarks of Emmanuel Macron on Sunday night :
– Jean-Luc Mélenchon, leader of the Untamed: “It is a candidate for something ? There is an election ? Why recite-t-it this program that he has contradicted to this day ? Rain of truisms, words stolen and commonplaces. #Macron drunk. And he tells us that he will tell us later in July. A series talkative continues” – Twitter
read also : Coronaviruses : déconfinement, economy, racism… What we need to remember the address of Macron
– Bruno Retailleau, the patron saint of senators LR: “Early surrealist, E Macron is pleased with the management of the crisis. He forgets that our country is going to experience a mortality per million inhabitants is very high and the economic recessions of the most violent in the world, with in premium a State of law put between parenthesis…”- Twitter
– Olivier Faure, First secretary of the PS: “tonight what we wanted to hear, it was not for us to say +I was a great+ for the past, but he tells us how one engages the French on the way to a fast recovery” – on France 2
– Jean-Christophe Lagarde, president of the UDI: “This self-satisfaction, a distance is created between the French and him. (…) The French will choose the path for the presidential election. Its job is to restart the country.” – AFP
– Damien Abad, a leader of the deputies LR: “We had a sometimes of self-justification, self-righteousness such as the management of crisis, while there has been a lot of flaws, many concerns, many questions, and that will be to learn the lessons of this crisis.” – France 2
– Julien Bayou, national secretary of EELV: “The president Macron verdict his speech, we expect the acts. He speaks of social we expect more than words. He speaks of the unity Republican, but offers nothing to the fight against discrimination.” – Twitter
– Alexis Corbière, member of BIA: “Speech pompous self-satisfaction, and a foreshadowing of how fuzzy things contrary to what he has done in the past 3 years, words stolen from other, (…) in short no credibility.. An unnecessary speech that will make you lose time.” – Twitter
– Guillaume Peltier, vice-president of LR: “That of words. They were so hollow. And even when they sounded fair, nobody believes you, Emmanuel Macron ! Because your promises are the strict opposite of your balance sheet.” – Twitter
– Sébastien Chenu, member of parliament and spokesperson for the RN: “A president exceeded, which will require further efforts to the French, without changing its software. There must be a change, of course, not total! The speech the more appalling from a president.” – Twitter
Louis Aliot, deputy RN: “Mr. +must+ have just talked about. No lesson has been drawn, and the blabla techno has come to dress up the nothingness. The end of term is nearly here…A path to Holland ?” – Twitter
– Gilles, The Son-in-law, the leader of the deputies LREM: “Emmanuel Macron invites us to give a meaning to the tribute of the French Covid-19. Protections, sovereignty, social ecological model, republican patriotism and the balance of power: the next proposals of deputies LREM enroll in these five priorities.” – Twitter
Stanislaus Guerini, head of the presidential party, LREM: “A new path opens, with clear priorities : the economy, ecology, solidarity. Historical challenges await us. It is through being together that we will rise.” – Twitter
– Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, president of Standing the France: “Macron is living in a parallel world ! How can it be credible so that he is lying on the balance sheet of the crisis (…) and the magnitude of its economic recovery plan (5 times less important than in Germany) !?” – Twitter
– Ian Brossat, a spokesperson for the CPF:
“a Large number of forced optimism and autocongratulation. Nothing concrete for those who live in the anguish of unemployment and precariousness.” – Twitter
– Eric Woerth, member of LR and chairman of the Finance committee at the Meeting:
“Good intervention and good intentions which we may share many goals, already proposed. You’ll need to go from general ideas to the realization of courageous, end of the partial unemployment, schools mandatory, decentralization and devolution, equal opportunities” – Twitter
– Olivier Marleix, mp-LR
“filled with helium, which is already off the ground, passing silent the dead of the Covid-19, and the explosion of unemployment. Intervention history anyway: it is the 1st time that a driver, after having crashed a plane, has the opportunity to invite the passengers to réembarquer…” – Twitter
– Eric Ciotti, mp-LR:
“Macron jealous of his prime minister made the positive announcements in its place. For the rest of the at the same time sterile and a denial surreal on the balance sheet as dramatic health of France in this crisis,” – Twitter
– François Ruffin, member of BIA:
“The cape is clear: to +produce and work more and more+, in +the order republican+. The madness continues, and ensures the support of the club. As early as Tuesday, with the caregivers, it is necessary to leave” – Twitter
– Eric Coquerel, member of BIA:
“it was satisfied that its action prior to and during the epidemic breathes the method coue. Who still believes ?
The trade unions of the far-right of the police were forced to against appreciate. This +not to revisit his past and what we are+ this is therefore also lay claim to the legacy of the past slavery and colonial past of the country. Not the shadow of a word on the racism in the police” – Twitter
– Younous Omarjee, member of the european parliament BIA of The Meeting:
“Emmanuel Macron is the president, probably the least popular of all the history in the overseas. The ultramarins appreciate that he claims now without shame of the past slavery and colonial past of the country” – Twitter
– Fabien Roussel, national secretary of the PCF:
“+art of living+ the sauce Macron has a bitter taste: young people will pay the debt, the working world will undergo social plans, but don’t worry, the rich will not pay more tax !”- Twitter
– Hugues renson explained, vice-president LREM of the national Assembly:
“The reconstruction will be around a new model, and to promote ecology, solidarity, the values of our Republic and of the decisions taken at the nearest land. The new path drawn this evening by Emmanuel Macron, we can build a France stronger” – Twitter
– Sacha Houlié, mp LREM:
“More than a 3rd phase of déconfinement, the President reminds us of the powerful role of the welfare State and announces a new social contract. Acts and major projects to make a lasting difference in the lives of our citizens” – Twitter
65 commentairespaloumayrele 14/06/2020 23:13
I bed çi and the comment of satisfaction macronistes that in addition to accuses the opposition that it does nothing.It is thus necessary to put the points on the I and the bars on the T. oppositions have all of a program presidential so I invite you to read them.They are not to your liking it is something else but not of reproach that do not serve anything otherwise I understand you you would like Macron chair with his funeral of bétises is that the opposition to do the job, sadly it doesn’t work like that.
road 66le 14/06/2020 23:09
Property in relation to police officers
Sovereign he is going to make the policy of the Navy only one that advocates this for a long time
The rest is see ???
LIONEL BUGESle 14/06/2020 23:08
Bia outside of our planet …
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