How to regain control? Observers have all noted that around the President of the Republic, this question has become topical again. Eighteen months after his re-election, Emmanuel Macron still cannot regain the confidence of the French. From this point of view, the Verian barometer is merciless: 67% of French people do not trust it to resolve the problems currently arising in France! Outside of the majority bloc that supports him (80% including 91% in Renaissance), the head of state cannot count on anyone to expand his majority. Enough to give pause to LR deputies, who are in great demand to vote on the immigration bill, while 66% of supporters of this movement (6) do not trust the President of the Republic!

In this context, the French already seem to be turning towards the next generation. Two personalities stand out: Édouard Philippe, still in the lead (43%, 3) and Gabriel Attal (37%, 3). The Minister of National Education positions himself in all segments of the majority bloc as a credible competitor to the former Prime Minister for the future. A future fight before 2027?

Little by little, the president of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region is closing in on his competitors. With 2027 in his sights, but without shaking up his strategy, Laurent Wauquiez is starting to make his voice heard again. Republican supporters appreciate it (37%, 8).

Is this the final fall for the leader of La France insoumise? His strategy is no longer shared at all, even by far-left sympathizers: only 35% (-14) want to see him play an important role in the years to come. Its competitors will not fail to point this out.