Teresa Rodriguez came to the room Box, in the island of la Cartuja, in Seville, with a “good feeling” and his smile’s usual campaign. The candidate Ahead of Andalusia, the confluence between we Can and UI, changed the smile to the nerves a few hours after. First, were the polls that were up to 10 deputies to the formation of the ultra-right Vox. Did not want to believe it. Until the clock struck ten of the night, and the new platform of the left only came to 17 seats, three less than the sum of the two parties in 2015 when it held the previous elections in andalusia.

“This doesn’t have to be the night of the passions, but of the reflections,” Rodriguez said with a serious gesture. “We don’t have to talk about if we have three members less. We are concerned about what will happen to Andalusia tomorrow.” The candidate Ahead of Andalusia appeals to the spirit of the 15M and calls to their bases, militants and supporters to re-take the squares. “We’re going to deal with the extreme right. We refuse to do him the favor of splitting the bottom in favor of the above”.


Stupor in the PSOE after signing his worst result in his community fetish to The extreme right emerges in Andalusia: Vox gets 12 deputies Rivera: “we’re Going to take the PSOE of the Board”

The candidate is prepared for four years of an opposition more fiercely than the one that has remained with the PSOE in power. “We’re going to denounce with clarity each seguidismo that do that are called ’the right formal state’, in discourses of the extreme right, With every word of homophobia, racism, machismo, we are going to have in front. They are not going to turn our society into something worse than it already did after 10 years of crisis”.

To Forward Andalusia the next four years of Government represent a “historic challenge”. Antonio Maíllo, formula of Rodriguez for vice-president, announced that starting Monday will be “in a position to dispute”. And he accused, without naming it, to Susana Diaz have gotten into the election debate to the extreme right: “it Is irresponsible”.

In 2015 We entered Pulibet for the first time in the andalusian Parliament with 15 members, 14.8%, 590.000 votes. UI, now its partners, was on the point of losing the parliamentary group, but managed to add five seats, 274.518 votes, the dividend 6.86%. In the current elections, the sum of the votes does not reach to the one you’ve got we Can solo in 2015. The platform has lost almost 300,000 votes in three years.

Forward Andalusia has supported his election campaign in differentiating socialism from what they have called “the susanismo”. Has been his way of trying to convince the voter of the socialist party disappointed with an alliance of Government (socialists and Citizens) of three and a half years. The coalition of Teresa Rodríguez estimated fishing 15% of those voters angry. It has not been achieved.

Neither has been the attempt to champion the andalucismo traditionally linked to socialism. That sentiment dominated the whole of the iconography of Later Andalusia with the aim of blending the colors and symbols we Can and UI. In search also of those voters who had never voted in these formations separately, but that might have come to be identified with a platform for progressive, to the left of Susana Díaz.

Alert “anti-fascist”

Minutes later, in Madrid, Pablo Iglesias has sent a concise message on behalf of United we Can: Alert “anti-fascist”. The leader of the formation makes a call to the social organizations in order to “defend themselves from the extreme right, xenophobic, neo-liberal unapologetic, sexist and against women and against working people”.

Churches, at the side of Alberto Garzón, leader of IU, and a group of members of the two parties, have been responsible for the PP and Citizens the rise of Vox in Andalusia. “Are explained by the speeches of the PP and Citizens that have been normalized and whitened to the extreme right,” he said. At the same time that it has been recognized that the results obtained by thereafter Andalusia have not been as expected.

The responsible for we Can not only appealing to the social base that built the party after the 15M, and also to the parties who brought forward the motion of censure last may that Pedro Sánchez was president. “We are playing the freedoms in our country. We are playing our democracy. I ask for accountability to the political forces that joined in the motion of censure. We have many differences, but one thing clear, building a dam against the advance of the extreme right”.