No training has started official contacts, while the president of the PP, Paul Married, slipped on Thursday, in the act of the 40th anniversary of the Constitution, that their goal is a global pact with Citizens that include the presidency of the Board for the popular candidate, Juan Manuel Moreno, and that of the Parliament to a member of the formation of Albert Rivera. He also acknowledged that the talks between the two forces had already begun. Sources from both parties say that the first impressions are positive. The good tuning staff between their national leaders help to that advance.


Married excludes now to Vox of the negotiation and just go on as a partner to Citizens in Andalusia Citizens decide to negotiate with the PP, the Government of Andalusia without excluding Vox, The Government calls on PP and Citizens who do not of Andalucia, “the birthplace of the ultra-right”

The formations have taken advantage of the bridge to set up their negotiating teams. In the case of the PP and Citizens, the arising national of the covenants are going to be very present, so it will be their secretaries-general, Teodoro García Egea and José Manuel Villegas, respectively, who will lead the conversations. There will be edges that will be addressed directly in Madrid, beyond the issues of sectoral eminently regional, indicate sources from both parties.

Sources of the PP andaluz indicate that they prefer that the contact group is small —about three people as a maximum— “functional and operational”. However, they show themselves to be open to adapt it to the conditions which they transferred from John Marin, the regional leader of the training orange. Popular opt for raise negotiations, discrete, without excessive advertising, in that Betasus you only move the final results. Citizens have not yet decided whether the team will be Marin, since their presence, to be the candidate for chairing the Board, could undermine the talks, reports Elsa García de Blas.

For the PP-the preferred partner is Citizen, once Married, has resigned to negotiate directly with the Vox. The popular submitted the loan agreement with Rivera to a post support of the extreme right. Citizens also believes that it is the PP who has to reach agreements, but does not waive that Marin is the candidate to the endowment. Decants, also, through an alliance that links the division of the Bureau of the Parliament with the president of the Board, which should be reached before Christmas, as it held its national chairman.

Citizens, however, want to avoid at all costs, be bound with Vox. In the case that Marin was the candidate for the presidency of the Board, I would try to negotiate the abstention of the PSOE, a choice that, for now, has discarded its leader, Susana Díaz, who is not waiver to submit its own candidacy for what it points to your condition of winner of the elections.

Diaz wants to begin contacts next Monday. The PSOE has no intention to put red lines at the time of initiating the conversations and are still aspiring to have the support of Citizens and the abstention of Forward Andalucia.

The socialists interpreted that the party of Rivera can’t afford to go to a general election after receiving the backing Vox. “Rivera will have to say if you want to be as a Macron, which is going to go to the european elections and that he did in front of Marine Le Pen, or if you want to be as Salvini,” said the acting president. Diaz warns that the Government that came out of an alliance between the PP and Citizens would always be contingent upon the support of Vox to bring forward their measures. The equation of the PSOE is contrasted with the rejection of Forward Andalucia. Its leader, Teresa Rodriguez, has been closed to the abstention, which itself had referred to the leader of we Can, Pablo Churches.