“Rebuilding trust with the social partners.” For the deputy Renaissance Louis Margueritte, this is the primary objective of the bill relating to the sharing of value in the company which arrives this Monday, June 26 in the hemicycle of the National Assembly. The text, adopted in committee a week ago, is the transcription – “of complete loyalty”, according to the Minister of Labor, Olivier Dussopt – of a national interprofessional agreement (ANI) between the social partners – employers’ organizations and trade unions, except the CGT – dating from last February.

For the executive and its majority, the challenge is therefore to be able to send a “clear” message to these partners with whom trust has largely eroded during the very difficult pension reform. “The goal is that we can tell them: you can trust Parliament. The text that will be voted on must therefore be as faithful and as close as possible to the agreement of the social partners”, warns Louis Margueritte, rapporteur for this bill.

The bill intends in particular to make the implementation of a value-sharing system mandatory – by generalizing the three existing systems: profit-sharing, participation and one-off bonuses – in companies with 11 to 49 employees from then on that they have a positive net tax profit of more than 1% of their turnover for three years in a row. It also aims to facilitate the use of the Macron bonus in companies by allowing them to grant it up to twice a year. And also to develop employee share ownership.

But these measures are “largely insufficient” for the oppositions, who would like to amend so that the text goes further. “It is very short of what needs to be done. The government is trying to make us believe that it is now making wealth sharing a priority. He should have gone much further”, regrets the boss of the environmental group, Cyrielle Chatelain. During the examination of the text in committee, the Insoumis made themselves heard in particular by the voice of the deputy Matthias Tavel, accusing the executive of using this text “as an alibi for social democracy” when it comes “from crush the unions, the demonstrators and the National Assembly to impose retirement at 64”. “You are hypocrites,” he said.

In the presidential camp, they do not hide their fears that the bill will be “distorted” during discussions in public session. “At LFI and even perhaps in our own ranks, some will want to outbid”, fears for example the deputy Renaissance Éric Bothorel. The subjects of the taxation of superprofits or even superdividends, which some consider necessary, could come back on the table. A scenario that worries the relative majority.

During the review of the budget a few months ago, an amendment by the president of the MoDem group, Jean-Paul Mattei, whose objective was to increase the “flat tax” by 5% on the payment of dividends from large companies had been adopted against the advice of the government with a significant number of votes within the Macronist troops, before being deleted during 49.3. “If we reopen this debate now, everyone will lose,” fears Éric Bothorel (Renaissance). And Louis Margueritte to anticipate, more optimistic: “There will be amendments on these subjects, it is a certainty. But I have confidence in our camp to be the guardians of this agreement between the social partners. The majority will be there.”